Marriage and gays

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  • #10655

    Why do straight people have a problem with gay marriage?

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stephen, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : White/Caucasian, City : Mississauga, State : NA Country : Canada, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    In a word, because the Bible tells them so. Just read Justice Scalia's argument against the recent decision reversing the sodomy laws - it stinks of the so-called 'Christian' agenda against anything gay (and he had the nerve to state that he has nothing against homosexuals after writing that argument). Where is the justice in saying that 'I can do something that you can't just because I'm heterosexual and you're not." I live for the day when this country realizes that the main reason the founding fathers conceived this nation was to escape religious persecution. This is not a Christian nation but rather a nation for all religious persuasions.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mike, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 42, City : Ben Lomand, State : CA Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    I have a problem with gay marriage for a number of reasons. First and foremost, marriage is a union of a man and woman, by definition. Why does the gay community have to hone in on territory for which they are not qualified? (If you want to live together, or obtain spousal benefits, that's your business.) Marriage by its nature produces offspring, which is impossible for a gay couple. And even before gay unions became legal, they were not as stable as opposite-sex unions.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Ronald-V29467, Gender : M, Religion : Christian, Age : 50, City : Edmonton, Alberta, State : NA Country : Canada, Social class : Middle class, 

    James D.
    I have never gotten a clear answer to your question despite my honest desire to understand anti-gay-marriage people (not all straight people think the same, by the way). They usually invoke religious justifications, health issues or general moral climate arguments, but these are all so nonsensical as to defy refutation. I always ask the question this way: how would your life change if I were allowed to marry my partner? Specifically, what would happen to you, your children, your grandchildren, etc.? I have never gotten any kind of response to this simple, obvious question.

    User Detail :  

    Name : James D., Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Atheist, Age : 47, City : Summit, State : NJ Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, 

    Because many of us don't like what we see and are offended.

    User Detail :  

    Name : JJ30543, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, 

    James D.
    Whatever the reasons, the forces are mounting against gay marriage to the point that gays and people who are in favor of allowing them to marry will have to make a stand against social conservatives who are against it. There is talk of a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage to keep gays out, which has horrific implications for the future.

    User Detail :  

    Name : James D., Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Atheist, Age : 47, City : Summit, State : NJ Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, 

    I don't have a problem with gays or lesbians, period. I think if you are happy, then congratulations. But to answer the question; It's not gay marriages that are the problem, it's the lifestyle, period. Some people are homophobic and just plain hate the gay community as a whole.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Renee, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Pentecostal, Age : 22, City : Kalamazoo, State : MI Country : United States, Occupation : Student Manager, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    Marriage, in its CURRENT definition is the union of a man and a woman. The gay community is not trying to 'hone in on territory for which they are not qualified,' they are trying to change the qualification. In addition marriage, does NOT, my its nature produce offspring. I have chosen not to have children. Should I not be allowed to marry just because of that? And since when are opposite-sex unions 'stable'? With over half of marriages ending in divorce, I don't know why you would think that. If a gay couple wants to get married, why should ANYONE else have something to say about it? The ceremony can be civil, not religious (as many straight couples choose, also).

    User Detail :  

    Name : Danielle27245, City : Southern, State : NJ Country : United States, 

    Don't assume we all do. I'd love to see it legitimized.

    User Detail :  

    Name : C., Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jewish, Age : 40ish, City : Galveston, State : TX Country : United States, Occupation : attorney, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    Carol W.
    I say the man from Alberta is wrong. Marriage is or should be the joining together of a couple of adult humans who want to be recognized by the world as a couple. And marriage by its nature does NOT produce offspring. I'm married, and have no intention of producing offspring.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Carol W., Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 43, City : Fairfax, State : CA Country : United States, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 

    I believe it is fear of the 'unknown'.

    User Detail :  

    Name : sonia, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jewish, Age : 26, City : Portland, State : ME Country : United States, Occupation : student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    Forty years ago the majority would have added 'of the same race' to your definition of marriage. Before that 'of the same religion' could have been added... Get the picture? Morality is not fixed in stone, nor is the 'common' morality always right and just. Common morality used to say that it was not only okay, but just to believe that one race was somehow superior to another. Common morality put many homosexuals into mental institutions just because they were homosexual. Is there some sort of great danger or menace to society in general by allowing gays to marry? If there is, please be so kind as to point it out to the world. And, marriage by its nature does not produce offspring. Sex or artificial insemination do. As far as gay relationships being not stable- the average STRAIGHT marriage lasts about 3-5 years. Where is the stability there?

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mike, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 42, City : Ben Lomand, State : CA Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    So, Ronald, because I choose not to contribute to the world's ever growing problem of overpopulation by breeding, my heterosexual marriage is unnatural?

    User Detail :  

    Name : Jessica, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Bisexual, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 23, City : Huntsville, State : TX Country : United States, Occupation : Student, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    That which humans fear, they tend to strike out at. Fear that they might have attractions that are not 'normal' to general society. I believe that the three religious texts have brought out the worst in humankind because they tend to marginalize and/or demonize those who don't look, talk, dress, or act 'normal'. What else would cause Adolf Hitler to commit such horrifying acts? What else could explain the retaliatory attacks between extremist Jews and Muslims? What else could explain the atrocious attack on Matt Shepherd or the recent murder of 4 Black workers at a Lockheed-Martin plant by a severely unbalanced man. To summarize, the Bible, Torah, and Qu'ran have unintentionally fostered a climate of fear of those who don't subscribe to their particular religion. They have allowed people to become intellectually lazy in the name of blind faith.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Vincent Blake, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Religion : No religious affiliation, Age : 30, City : Minneapolis, State : MN Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    There are a couple of flaws in your reasoning that may require you to re-think your position. Just because marriage is defined a certain way doesn't mean the definition can't be expanded. A 'homemaker' used to mean a woman but now means men as well. Marriage does not naturally produce offspring. There are plenty of married couples who can't have or don't want children. Should they still be allowed to get married? The fact that anectdotal evidence shows gay unions are not monogamous is troubling, however it's possible that because no formal marriage is possible for them, it leads to the degeneration of relationships. Therefore, marriage would be a desirable goal for everyone.

    User Detail :  

    Name : PeteR, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Hispanic/Latino (may be any race), Religion : Deist, Age : 33, City : Easton, State : PA Country : United States, Occupation : Telecommunications, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
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