Fundamentalist Christians’ view of homosexuality

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    Name : sdfg21480, City : sdfgdf, State : AK Country : Australia, 

    If the 'effeminate' cannot make it into heaven, does that mean the only women in heaven are butch lesbians?

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    Name : Rita, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 22, City : Dayton, State : OH Country : United States, Occupation : Student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    Some of the responses you have gotten so far have been accurate with regards to the 10 Commandments and Levitical law. However, I believe the real issue is a misunderstanding of the word "homosexuality." To the homosexual, it means their orientation. To the fundamentalist Christian, it means their behavior. They use the same word but mean something totally different. All references concerning homosexuality in the Old Testament speak of homosexual acts. Even the New Testament (Romans 1: 26-27) condemns such actions. Sexual orientation is a desire issue. If you study James 1:13-15 you will see the progression of sin. Desire leads to temptation - temptation leads to sin. Regardless of why a person has a homosexual orientation, it, in and of it's self is not sin. It is no different from heterosexuals that have desires for opposite gender sex with someone to whom they are not married. Those desires lead to temptation. This is where the concept of "choice" comes into play. Homosexual oriented people have a choice to act on those temptations or to reject them. If a person's "sinful" urges are rejected (be it homosexual sex/fantasy, adultery, lust, stealing, anything that is out of God's character) there is no sin and God is honored. But if a person gives into the urge, then that is sin. As with any recurring, nagging temptation, the closer the person gets to God, the less the intensity of the desire and temptation. Rejecting God, or even just allowing your relationship with Him to stagnate, will cause whatever desire problem you have to take hold. Romans 1:21-27 speaks if those who rejected God. Therefore, God let them go to give into the desires that were in their hearts. Their desires lead to the temptation of homosexual lust and the lust lead to homosexual acts (sin). The Bible is consistent on the issue even though many of my fellow Christians do not know how to communicate the whole message.

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    Name : todd24290, Gender : M, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Baptist, Age : 35, City : new orleans, State : LA Country : United States, Occupation : Counselor, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    I know hundreds of gay Christians, there is even a demonination of Christianity that is primarily gay and lesbian - filled with gay parents, gay unions, gay ministers, etc. It's the Metropolitan Community Church, it's worldwide and I would say fundamentalist - in that it teaches the living quality of love. It teaches the inclusiveness of Jesus, that ALL can be Christian and worship with Jesus. You are assuming the meaning of the word 'effeminate' includes all homosexuals. In that case the word is rather vague. Not all homosexuals act effeminate, and should only the ones that do act effeminate be damned? Are you only talking about gay men? And would the word 'effeminate' not include straight women, should they be damned? I would cite this as a moral law against femininity and women-ness; rather inappropriate for the human condition. Your unkle is a drug addict. I assume he's not gay because your post does not identify him as such. So what does the lifestyle of a drug addict have to do with the lifestyle of a homosexual? Are you comparing doings drugs with being gay? That's beyond comparing apples and oranges, it's comparing cancer to apples. Are you asserting that because a gay person is not repulsed by same-sex attraction, that they enter a gay lifestyle? I think believe that's a case of cause and effect confussion. Homosexuals are gay because they are attracted to same-sex persons, not because they aren't repulsed. It would be like saying straight people are straight because they are not repulsed by the opposite sex. The repulse is an effect not the cause. The Christian Bible has evolved with history, at times it was meant to be a handbook for citizens explaining how to live. As we have adapted and changed, certain subjects have changed meaning. Jesus never directly condemns homosexuality, not once. If homosexuality really was a 'sin' in God's eyes, why did Jesus not address it? The old testiment is a background and history lesson to put the perspective of Christ into context. It comes down to a personal perference of faith, do you choose to follow just the principle Jesus himself laid out or that of others?

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    Name : Bruce Kinley, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 28, City : Litchfield, State : OH Country : United States, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    It is a sad ,sad truth. After dealiing with somone who was gay and an atheist ( two actually) I decided to reevaluate most of my beliefs. I do beieve homosexuality to be a sin and immoral but I have NO RIGHT to beat somone over the head for this. Christianity is about following the ideals of Christ and how he lived. He gave his life for the poor, downtrodden , hurting, etc and as his followers christians are called to care for these people.Not that all gays are hurt and down trodden but the idea of 'judge not lest ye be judged' and 'what would Jesus do' stands out to me. So i feel i have no right to beat these people up, but to tell them of the goodness of Jesus and where i stand. I dont believe in beating up anyone for this . please understand that my journey to this belief was not easy. And never is for some Christians. I lost some sleep on the issue, raised my blood pressure and screwed up many of my days trying to figuire out what to do about how I felt on this. It was not easy and will never be easy or even approached by some fundamentalists. You cant change anyones opininon, but you can understand why they feel the way they do. I hope this helps!!

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    Name : Christine, Gender : F, City : Hartford, State : CT Country : United States, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    It is a sad, sad truth. After dealiing with someone who was gay and an atheist ( two actually) I decided to reevaluate most of my beliefs. I do believe homosexuality is a sin and immoral but I have no right to beat someone over the head for this. Christianity is about following the ideals of Christ and how he lived. He gave his life for the poor, downtrodden , hurting, etc and as his followers, Christians are called to care for these people. Not that all gays are hurt and downtrodden but the ideas of 'judge not lest ye be judged' and 'what would Jesus do' stand out to me. So I feel i have no right to beat these people up, but to tell them of the goodness of Jesus and where I stand.

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    Name : Christine, Gender : F, City : Hartford, State : CT Country : United States, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    Because they like shellfish, and for whatever reason, they don't like themselves, so they seek out any way to prove how much better they are than others in order to feel more secure. Jesus, being a secure being, did not need to ostracize, demonize, or otherwise isolate himself from others. There were six references total to homosexuality in the Bible, most of which are debated to be mistranslations. As for Leviticus, Jesus kinda struck the ridiculous parts out, so whatevs.

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    Name : Thomas, Gender : M, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 23, City : Philadelphia, State : PA Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    I understand the Bible also says to sell your sisters and daughters into slavery, no man should have long hair, and something about smashing your kids' brains out on rocks. As a fundamentalist, do you do these things too? The thing with the Bible was they were encouraging ppl to breed like rabbits, so of course they condemned homosexuality. How do you deal with the reality that ppl are in torment because of what you x-tians keep pounding into our heads about being Gay. You are responsible for many suicides!!!!

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    Name : Dwanny, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Pagan, Age : 53, City : Springtown, State : TX Country : United States, 

    By your simple explanation, Christians should have stoned Jimmy Swaggert, Jim Bakker and other evangelists who committed adultery. Adultery is not only a moral sin, it is prohibited in the 10 commandments. It is hypocritical to forgive your own so easily and condemn others who do transgress according to biblical literalism. Just Curious

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    Name : ShirleyAvery, Gender : F, Disability : none, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jewish, Age : 52, City : st. louis, State : MO Country : United States, Occupation : writer, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    Why do they take anything written in the bible as fact? Why is Jesus' reanimation from the dead any more believable than Snow White's? Why is Moses parting the Red Sea somehow less insane than a giant living at the top of a beanstalk. For some reason people have chosen to cleave to these particular mythologies and use them to bludgeon others. I guess human nature is just cruel that way.

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    Name : Dot, Gender : Female, Age : none, City : L.A., State : CA Country : United States, Social class : Middle class, 
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