Black Humor

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  • #1718

    Why does it seem that black comedians always portray white Americans as 'goody two-shoes' and 'cheerful' in an almost goofy way in their comedy acts? It's funny, but I am curious about why they see white Americans that way.
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    Name : C-Adkins, City : Lynchburg, State : VA Country : United States, 

    I think it is because if you've seen an older (maybe 40 and up) WASP white person trying to make friends, they sometimes act very nice and have certain gestures like that head rock thing when they're saying, 'How are you?' and a big smile on their face. About whites being goody two-shoes, it's because blacks are more violent when it comes to things like disciplining kids and whupping someone's a** for stepping on your Jordans. Stereotypically, whites never spank their terrible two, Tony, who just punched that nice little redhead girl. They tell him to have a timeout in the corner. A black parent would light Tony up like a Christmas tree. Comedians like to portray stereotypes because it gets a laugh because we usually can relate to it.

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    Name : Yuna, Gender : F, Age : 17, City : Queens, State : NY Country : United States, 

    Being A white married 22yr old man from Central Kentucky I will let you know this whether I can afford a pair of Jordans or not If someone steps on my shoes I will give or die trying to distribute a Royal A$$ WHOOPEN AS WE SAY HERE IN THE KY!! This is a typical stereotype about white people nothing more. Which in this case is wrong!!!

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    Name : Dallas, City : Elizabethtown, State : KY Country : United States, 
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