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  • in reply to: the bible #21112

    I just cant handle it when its obvious you never even TRIED to read the text for yourself. Adam and Eve had 3 sons; Cain, Able and SETH. Noah had his wife and sons and daughter in laws all brought on the ark. God sent all the animals to Noah and commanded Noah to gather extra kosher animals (and grain and feed) for eating and for sacrifice once the waters receeded. The binding of Issac was a test (isnt everything?). Issac was unharmed. The stories are examples of people at their best and worst, how the commandments came to be, and a testament to the idea that God alone makes the rules and calls the shots. There are biblical texts everywhere. Please try to get all the way through a story before posting next time. And try not to become the intolerant belligerent you cant stand...

    User Detail :  

    Name : ItsMe, Gender : Female, Religion : Jewish, City : DFW, State : TX Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 

    Okay, so maybe you were trying to be helpful and maybe not. This is one fire that doesnt need stoking. The Torah gives us commandments like in parashas mishpatim in Shemos/Exodus 23:13 "Be careful regarding everything I have said to you. The name of the gods of others you shall not mention, nor shall your mouth cause it to be heard". Idol worship is so serious that one is forbidden even to speak of idols or be the cause of others mentioning them. This includes your god jesus, the cross, and the many statues and saints, etc. My half siblings buried my father embalmed and in an open casket in a catholic church overseas. Perhaps this is just a tradition on the catholic side of my family, but I would be very upset if it extended to my mother. I do not ask these questions in vain. So, I did a little research and it turns out I can and should be a casket bearer, read psalms, take comfort in my Judaism. I still can not and will not pray in the cathedral, but can and will say prayers once outside and graveside. Good luck in finding your answers, as well. It seems there is much for you to learn about other faiths and about subsets of your own faith.

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    Name : ItsMe, Gender : Female, Religion : Jewish, City : DFW, State : TX Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 

    You are both right, mostly... Now, I've done a bit more research and it looks like I can and should attend as long as someone else does the planning. I can read Psalms and Ecclesiates. I can and should say kaddish graveside. I should make sure that she is lowered into the ground and covered in earth. I can and should sit shiva. I plan to do all these things in what will, God willing, be a long time from now. I hope that my uncles will be sensitive to my plight and not demand a bunch of music (though mom has asked for a mass, which typically involves music and song) or other things that complicate my sitting shiva properly. FYI, I can understand your cousin not attending a intermarried wedding. My husband and I had to make a hard choice like that a few years back as well. Now their kids have a Jewish surname and wear crosses and are baptised and visit the easter bunny. I know that his family came from Shoah survivors and Torah scholars. He mocked their sacrifices and deaths for our faith in his intermarriage--but that is another thread entirely.

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    Name : ItsMe, Gender : Female, Religion : Jewish, City : DFW, State : TX Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 

    Thanks so much for your reply, Dot L! The subject line above should read "Jewish daughter can not honor Catholic mom's burial CHOICES". So Shemos/Exodus 23:13 says "Be careful regarding everything I have said to you. The name of the gods of others you shall not mention, nor shall your mouth cause it to be heard." The Sforno says A Jew must zealously observe all the positive and negative commandments without exception, but especially vital is the need to avoid any semblance of worship or activity that gives credence to other gods. Even to mention them or to cause others to do so (such as requiring gentiles to swear by their deities) is forbidden. The Or HaChaim says that the 613 commandments are parallel to the total of the organs and major blood vessels, because of the performance of every commandment safeguards one of them. Thus, by oberserving the commandments, one safeguards his own health and survival-but the denial of God through idol worship is tantamount to the transgression of the entire Torah. It seems pretty cut and dried to me. It will probably hurt and offend my mom, but there is nothing to be done. I can not validate her religion without violating my own. There has to be a better way rather than sitting through a service I can not participate in or plan. Perhaps there is not a better way. If so, it is best to know in advance.

    User Detail :  

    Name : ItsMe, Gender : Female, Religion : Jewish, City : DFW, State : TX Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
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