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  • in reply to: Gobbling up the groceries a cultural thing? #31733

    It's not a cultural thing, it's a matter of sharing and respect. What your girlfriend and her roommate should have done was to make an agreement to stick to eating only the foods that each of them had purchased herself - that way this problem would not have come about in the first place. Or perhaps the sister simply didn't understand the meaning of the words 'share and share alike.' She could have met your girlfriend halfway on the subject, or maybe she just took your girlfriend's request the wrong way because she's white and interpreted it as, 'Who the hell is this white b***h to tell what I can and cannot eat?' Last but not least, it may be just a clash of two personalities with completely different habits. In that case, it made sense to get her own fridge. And no, this is not a 'general' way of doing things among black folks. I've heard of a similar situation involving three black roommates, and in the end one of them had to leave because he was doing the same thing: eating up the others' food and not contributing to the expenses. So sometimes it's just human nature in general. Don't paint all black folks with the same brush, because we're not all alike.

    User Detail :  

    Name : G.K., Gender : F, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Baptist, Age : 32, City : Detroit, State : MI Country : United States, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Blacks’ physical pleasure #16654

    I don't know how you can say whites haven't been involved in past barbarism when the Serbs, Croatians and Muslims spent the last decade trying to wipe each other off the face of the planet because of religious and political differences. Africans haven't got a claim on barbaric behavior. Also, I don't think we as black people are more hungry for the average amount of pleasures and desires - we just tend to be more expressive about them. But the bottom line is we're human, and we hurt, sweat, get hungry and get sick just like any other human beings on this planet.

    I also don't know where Beth gets off using that ignorant and insulting article by some sorry racist who is not even a scientist and has virtually no evidence to back up his idiotic claims. Learn to think for yourself and don't just swallow any piece of garbage thrown in front of you. I'm tired of reading B.S. in which white racists fall back on long-discredited racial theories to justify their so-called superiority. As a previous poster mentioned, how do you the explain the high popularity of S&M and other weird sexual practices among Europeans (and European-Amercans) even within what we know as civilization? Sorry, but white folks haven't got a claim on being civilized. I'm tired of reading posts written by white folks complaining about how 'uncivilized' black folks are, as if there is something wrong with us just because we don't fit into some white person's concept of what we should be.

    By the way, I love Y? Forum, and I should get to hunting the book down when I get a chance!

    User Detail :  

    Name : G.K., Gender : F, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Baptist, Age : 32, City : Detroit, State : MI Country : United States, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Why do black men seem to hate black women so much? #26413

    I have to deal with that mess a lot--just the other night I was standing at a bus stop and so was this older man. He propositioned me, I ignored him, he therefore began to get rude and call me out of my name and curse me out. I just continued to ignore him, because I figured, even a fool eventually gets tired of talking to himself after awhile. I left after about 20 min. anyway because I'd missed the bus. Usually when this happens, it's because the man already has an attiude and is pissed off and just wants to take it out on someone, especially on anyone he percieves as being weaker than him. I get tired of that s*** , but I know for a fact all black men aren't like that, so you shouldn't judge them by the ignorant fools you meet on the subway. I also want to say that black women have (and still have) to fight daily battles with sexism and racism ( this is to the man who claimed that black women are getting an easy ride by collaborating with white men), first of all, you're generalizing way too much, and frankly to say that a sister only gets somewhere because she sucked up to some white man in charge belittles and trivializes whatever achievements she might have on her own. Also, you equally trivialize history and the fact that during slavery the average female slave, whether she worked in the house or the fields, was still subject to and bore the brunt of extreme sexualized violence from her white master, simply because she was regarded as nothing more than a piece of property. I'm tired of hearing black women being blamed for every damn thing that's wrong with black folks. We're been brainwashed enough to hate ourselves as it is. Black women have got enough problems of their own without having to hear the kind of ignorant nonsense you're talking, as well as put with a lot of stuff from brothers ( it's not like y'all haven't done anything wrong either) . Obviously, you got issues with black women, but don't take them out on all of us!

    User Detail :  

    Name : G.K., Gender : F, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Baptist, Age : 32, City : Detroit, State : MI Country : United States, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
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