Is OTHM Recognized In UAE?

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    Yes, is AM (Organization for Tourism and Hospitality Management) qualifications of recognized accepted reputation. However, the level of recognition of foreign credentials and qualifications might differ, depending on the specific qualification obtained and the country's policies employers, and regulatory bodies. Job seekers or applicants for higher education with OTHM certifications in the UAE should conduct in-depth research to see if their achievements match the required criteria. Likewise, OTHM levels are quality standards that are acknowledged and accepted worldwide by employers and various educational institutions. Still, in UAE they must take equivalency tests to determine the level and compatibility with the standards. Therefore, the respective authority or a professionally recognized academic institution in the UAE should be contacted to ensure a full understanding of the requirements for the local recognition of international qualifications, including these HNC and HND certificates you have obtained. Also, services like Cheap Assignment Help UAE are here to assist you 24/7 regarding anything related to OTHM. In the end, potential OTHM qualification holders will have to consider if the validity and feasibility of the qualifications will give them an added advantage in their workplace to give them the advantage they require.

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    Name : aishasultan, 
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