Why is it so hard to believe?

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    Hi my name is Amanda and I am a 23 year old white female, but I am also a 'chosen minority'. I will explain what that means... I am discriminated against due to the way I look. I have 33 tattoos, 17 piercings and usually have multi color hair that is now a natural color. Now being a minority myself, I have to deal with stereotyping everyday of my life. It used to bother me but now that I am older, I like the challenge of proving people wrong, that I am not what all the stereotypes of what Punks are. Now my question is this:As a white female why is it so hard for black people to believe that I am on their side? And I would also like to know what black people in general would say about my following comments... When I see black people being discriminated against, sometimes I wish I was black so i can give these biggots a piece of my mind. I recently saw an ad for a talk show to where a black woman walked right into the middle of a KKK rally, and they all left. I wish I could at least find a way to change the color of my skin to do the same as she did and punk down these chumps. Also I would like to know if this is racist... I have never in my life dated a black man, not saying that I wouldn't but I haven't. But i do find some black men attractive, like LL cool J grrrr hehe. I would love to hear any comments about any of what i have said:)

    User Detail :  

    Name : Amanda, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Bisexual, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Wiccan, Age : 23, City : Pittsburgh, State : PA Country : United States, Occupation : athlete, Education level : Less than High School Diploma, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    1) The first issue is that while it's nice you're on "black people's side" don't think that you are the same. You chose to get tattoos and piercings, we did not choose to be black 2) You don't have to be black to speak out against bigots and I find it offensive that you would say that. Quite frankly if you spoke up when you saw an injustice going on you'd be making more of a statement not being black then if you were. 3) Who cares who you have or have not dated. The fact that you're bringing all this up makes you suspect. My solution: stop trying to get in where you don't fit in because you're really coming across offensively more than anything else. Be yourself

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