Why hate “Fag Hags”?

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    Many gay men form strong emotional attachments with girlfriends. There are some women, however, who see a gay man as a challenge and want to convert them. This is a "fag hag." A healthy woman forms loving and supportive relationships with her gay male friends. A troubled woman might continually put herself through the pain of trying to form romantic relationships with men she knows cannot return her feelings of sexual attraction. This would be "fag hag" behavior, and it's really kind of pathetic. I wouldn't say they're hated, but they're pitiful and they should get some therapy. It's possible, however, that your gay male friends are just jerks. If so, find new gay male friends. They're not all like that.

    User Detail :  

    Name : GordonR, City : Salt Lake City, State : UT Country : United States, 
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