Weird Tooth Dream

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    Are there certain types of recurring dreams that are common to people? I ask this because ever since I could remember I would have weird dreams about having shattered or severely chipped teeth. The emotions felt during the dream were an intense fear and a feeling that I would be perceived as unattractive and weird to the world. I asked others if they had dreams such as this, and to my amazement they said yes, especially my father. I have no explanation of why I (and maybe a few others) have this type of recurring dream. And I don't think it has to do with my dental health, because my teeth are pretty healthy - in fact, I've never had a cavity. The dream seems to release some innate fear I have, and I just don't know what it is. If anybody else has had this type of situation, or if maybe there is a psychiatrist cycling through here, any comments would be greatly appreciated.

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    Name : Kristina, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Christian, Age : 20, City : Washington, State : DC Country : United States, Occupation : Transcriber, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    Andy G.
    I think your dream means there is pain and fragility in your life. You are suffering from inner doubt about whatever ... I don't know, but you must find out what is bugging you right now and sort it out.

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    Name : Andy G., Gender : M, City : Berlin, State : NA Country : Germany, 

    For years I have had a recurring dream, from time to time, with the same general theme: it is near the end of a semester in college, and I either have a term paper due the next day that I haven't started writing yet, there is a class I'm enrolled in but have never attended (and am therefore going to flunk), or some such thing. I finally figured out that this dream is the result of subconscious guilt over not having taken college seriously enough. By most standards I was an excellent student, but there were books I was supposed to read that I didn't (I took really detailed notes in class), and I could have written outstanding term papers over a semester rather than whipping out 'three-day wonders' at the end of the term. (By the way, I never cheated, not even once.) My advice to students: no matter how smart you think you are, don't take the high road, follow both the letter and the spirit of what the class requires, and work with your professor throughout the semester to make sure you're getting the most you can out of the class. Thankfully, learning is a lifelong process, and you can always make up for slacking off in college by later reading and study (as I have done), but why invest all that time and money if you're not going to maximize what the experience has to offer? And if you don't want to be there, take a break, get some life experience and make room for someone who does want to be there.

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    Name : Augustine23574, Gender : M, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 41, City : Columbia, State : SC Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    I have to admit that on occasion I do have worrisome dreams about losing or chipping my teeth. But at least in my case, I've always been really anal and careful about my teeth. I'm one of the few people I know who actually loves going to the dentist! But ever since, say, elementary school, I've always been worried about losing my teeth. I don't know. It's just that once you lose your permanent teeth, you'll never get them back. So I occasionally worry about getting hit in the face with a door, or accidentally biting down hard on a metal utensil, and of course I dreaded cavities. The last thing I want to happen is to be wearing dentures by the time I'm 30 (no offense to anyone who does have them, of course). But I guess some of my fears are a bit anachronistic. I recently did have a cavity (a small one, I still have my tooth!). I always really worried because I still kinda remember the days when they used mercury fillings and you got stuck with a mouth full of metal for the rest of your life! But it turns out that now they have really good fillings that are pretty much undetectable, so that was a relief. So I'm not sure if I've exactly answered your question, but rest assured that there are other people who care about and worry about their teeth! =)

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    Name : Eric25191, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Religion : Religiously independent, Age : 20, City : Chicago, State : IL Country : United States, Occupation : Student, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    I also have recurring dreams about my teeth. In my case they are falling out. I start eating something and notice one falls out. Then I go to the bathroom to rinse out my mouth and end up with a handful of teeth in my hands. From what I have read, the falling out of teeth in a dream represents insecurities. Perhaps this is the same for chipped teeth.

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    Name : Justine, City : Plano, State : TX Country : United States, 

    It's interesting that you should be having a dream that puzzled me for quite some time. I also had the same dream, though at times my teeth would actually come out in my hand during the dream. I, too, have excellent teeth and try to take care of them. Here's what I discovered: Every time I had the dream, I was silently grinding my teeth in my sleep. The sensation translated through my subconscious into my dream and would cause me to imagine I had severely chipped teeth or exceptionally loose teeth. I did not realize I had a teeth-grinding problem; most people don't. This is very much like chronic snorers not realizing they snore. Unlike Sigmund Freud, who thought that dreams were a reflection or our subconscious, it is now hypothesized that dreams are your mind's way of processing the huge amount of data that your brain received that day. If this theory is true, then that would mean that our dreams are influenced by things around us as well as things that happen to us. The next time your dream occurs, make a mental note to check if your jaw or gums are sore. This is a good sign that you may be grinding your teeth.

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    Name : Liam, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 35, City : McDonald, State : NA Country : Canada, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    Annie D.
    I think dreams reflect worries that we carry inside. However, I wouldn't give literal interpretations to them. A book on dream interpretation might be helpful. I dream frequently that I can fly - like Peter Pan - but I don't plan on jumping off a roof to test that ability! I've had the school/not prepared for finals, etc. dream, too. I think that means you're a conscientious person and have a fear of failure. I'm still not sure about the tooth dream. Could it be you are hesitant to speak up about things that are important to you?

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    Name : Annie D., Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Christian, Age : 50, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : copy editor, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    Every couple of years or so after grade school, I would have dreams of my teeth falling out. Usually I would be in front of a mirror and would notice that my molars were breaking up, like they had rotted away. Of course I'd react with dismay, and the dream would end. I had another one a few months ago. I suspect it has to do with fear of aging, a sense of impending mortality, maybe even guilt for not taking good care of myself.

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    Name : David-R, Gender : M, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Episcopalian, Age : 42, City : Lawrence, State : KS Country : United States, Occupation : Sales, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    All through high school and for the first two years of college, I had many different dreams in which my eyes would be unable to open all the way and it would inhibit what I was trying to do. Sometimes when I would wake up, I would expect my eyes to be that way, but they would obviously be fine. The funny thing (and I don't believe it has any real correlation) is that ever since I married a man who will someday be an optometrist, they've stopped.

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    Name : Carrie-J, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 21, City : Provo, State : UT Country : United States, Education level : 2 Years of College, 

    I call those type of dreams nightmares and I have had them frequently in the past. Teeth crumbling in my mouth, falling out and trying to put them back in again. When I wake up, I run to the mirror and feel such relief that it was not real. It is a horrible feeling. I have found that those dreams occur less often the older I get, but they recur when I am feeling a lot of anxiety or worry about something that's happening in my life. I think it has a lot to do with control/security issues. As I have learned to let go of the need to control and trust that things will work out for the best, I have those dreams very rarely, now.

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    Name : Michelle20559, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 36, City : Las Vegas, State : NV Country : United States, Occupation : Analyst, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    Nicki K.
    Bones and teeth are the 'hard' materials making up our bodies. They give structure and protection to who we are. Teeth are the 'bones that are visible.' It's very possible that these dreams come when situations in your life feel out of your control (the structure breaking down) or when you fear others being able to see your vulnerability. Have you correlated these dreams with any situations happening in your life at the time?

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    Name : Nicki K., Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Pagan, Age : 52, City : Shelby Township, State : MI Country : United States, Occupation : retired, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    I have had the same recurring dream for years. However, I also seriously grind my teeth in my sleep. When I have such a dream, I assume I was probably grinding my teeth so hard that it was somehow connected to my dream. My teeth are pretty healthy, but I've never been able to stop grinding. I think it's just nervous energy.

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    Name : RSM, City : Oakland, State : CA Country : United States, 

    I used to have a recurring dream of trying to go horseback riding, but not finding the horse, the riding equipment or the right place, looking for in a hurry and never finding something in time before waking up very frustrated. I had quit riding lessons years ago and when I started them again, the dream changed: I hopped on a horse, galloped and jumped as much as I wanted and woke up very happy. So it had been about missing horses and riding and being frustrated that I didn't have a chance to go riding. But I have also recurring dreams of teeth: my mouth is filled with dozens of huge teeth, I can't even close my mouth. Then they start falling out in bunches, several at the time. In the dream I'm not scared and it doesn't hurt, I'm just a bit worried and wondering WHAT is going on?? I can't figure this one out. My mother told me she had had a recurring dream of a fire when she was young but it had stopped when she had read somewhere what such dreams often signify and understood what it had been about.

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    Name : Tinga, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Atheist, Age : 23, City : Tampere, State : PA Country : Finland, Occupation : student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 

    For the teeth grinders, consider getting a drugstore brace to protect your teeth. Better yet, have your dentist customize one for you- it's more expensive - but a better fit - and may be covered by insurance.

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    Name : Erin25260, City : New Orleans, State : LA Country : United States, 

    I just saw your message. I also have had this dream off and on over the years. About 18 years ago, I was having it quite a bit. I was just out of college, living at home and dating someone who I was unhappy with. I told my mother about the dream. She is interested in Eastern religions, interpretation and stuff, and she asked a friend who inteprets dreams. The friend said that it's a sign of impending change. 'Either your daughter is thinking about breaking up with her boyfriend, or he is thinking of breaking up with her.' I was shocked, because I had been thinking of breaking up with my boyfriend, and was wondering how I would do that. Since then, when I have the 'tooth dream,' I think about what's bothering me and the changes that possibly need to be made.

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    Name : Cathy32453, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Presbyterian, Age : 40, City : San Antonio, State : TX Country : United States, Occupation : writer, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
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