Reverse discrimation unless flipping burgers?

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    I don't know if it matters what type of work it is, I don't think anyone (no matter their color) wants to believe they weren't the most deserving for a job. I think people always want to blame some external factor for their 'failings' and an easy scapegoat is your race. If a white person doesn't get a job they cry 'reverse discrimination' and if an ethnic minority doesn't get a job, then they cry 'discrimination'.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Linda22699, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 21, City : Indianapolis, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : student, Education level : 4 Years of College, 

    Mendy Johnson
    Would someone please explain why people of color and women are referred to as a 'minorities?' There have always been more people of color and females on this planet.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mendy Johnson, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : celibate, Race : African American, Seminole, Religion : Native American, Age : 41, City : New York, State : NY Country : United States, Occupation : Associate Producer - Web, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Lower middle class, 
    I believe whites complain whenever 'Group Rights' trump 'Indvidual Rights.' You don't hear whites complain about all the blacks in the NBA. Most blacks are better qualified for a variety of reasons, and whites know it. Wouldn't four whites and one black or one Hispanic on a basketball team seem ridiculous just for the sake of diversity and racial representation? It most certainly does. And this logic should apply to everything in a just society.

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    Name : Russ Reardon, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : New Age/Metaphysical, Age : 59, City : Apache Junction, State : AZ Country : United States, Occupation : Businessman, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 

    First of all there is no such thing as REVERSE discrimination. It's discrimination weather it's black against white or white against black. Where do you get the impression that whites think black only deserve low paying jobs. The University of Michigan Law School allows blacks over whites, Hispanics, Asians and any other race not because of intelligence but striclty on the color of thier skin. Does this sound fair to you? How would you feel if Asians where where chosen over blacks because they are yellow skinned, even if you had a higher GPA. Lets level the playing field and just allow the best person for the job no matter what race or sex.

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    Name : REM30134, City : Detroit, State : MI Country : United States, 

    Boy I sure believe that statement. When it comes to me being an individual that's capable of doing work, with a good work ethic, I get the special title of being a dumb n*gger. Instead of an individual my IQ is generalized to 80 (close to retarted) suggesting that I am stupid. Yes I know there are a lot of blacks that get jobs they don't deserve, but please, stop blaming the whole race, and look at some as indivuals that you cry about when it comes to reverse discrimination. Denoting that a whole race is inferior when it comes to job practices is discrimination. Saying that black are 'generally unqualified' is trumping a group together, and that is discrimination. Look at me for what I can bring to the table, not that I am tan therefore stupid. Trust me people that shouldn't have jobs because they are unqualified black, white, spanish, Jewish, Asian, etc. I can admit that yes, some blacks don't need to be in jobs they are unqualified for, but can you admit that they're are some whites that are just as unqualified as blacks?

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    Name : S., Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Age : 23, City : Birmingham, State : AL Country : United States, Occupation : Graduate Student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    Ben, your college years were not waisted. You're smart. I work in the high-tech industry. When I worked for Daimler Chrysler, I was the only so-called black person in a department of about 25 people. Whenever I wanted a promotion, they just threw me more money. I was one of three out of 25 with a college degree and a formal I.T. education. Man! All they ever talked about was how they hated Mexicans and how minorities were taking over America. I kid you not. I would look around and see that I was the only minority in a high-paying work environment.

    My dad told me when I was a kid and not paying any attention in school: ' Son, you have to work hard in school and hard in life, because you have to be five times better than the other people, just to make the same money, because you're black'. His words ring true to this day. And it will remain so until the black man's dark heritage has washed out into this society. Of course, because we are human, we will find another group to single out and marginalize.

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    Name : Moe20298, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Of many races but live as a black man, Religion : Christian, Age : 38, City : Portland, State : OR Country : United States, Occupation : Network Admin, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    I don't really understand why White people feel this way. I guess because they are so used to having everything and Blacks having nothing. We need affimative action. I live in the deep south. And no matter how much change has occured, there are still so much that needs to be done. Down here, every clerical, office, light industrial job goes to white people. There are qualified black that apply to these jobs, but are overlooked, especially if there name sounds ethnic.

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    Name : Marron-Bella22125, City : Anniston, State : AL Country : United States, 

    E. W. Germain
    Perhaps the term 'reverse' discrimination is out of date. Because discrimination is just that, there is no such thing as being reversed. It's just in societies eyes that discrimination has to be on a person of a different race then White. Now that I've said that I'll say this, there is discrimination against White people everyday but once again due to society we are almost forced to bite our lip and take it because to say so would make us seem like the racist. For example, state colleges offer scholarships to particular people of a certain race, we will use Hispanic as an example. Now the criteria for any scholarship is to prove that your better then the next person through academics, sports, etc... but now you have thrown race into the picture. So now a Hispanic person has got a scholarship even though another person might need it more and have better academic scores over that person. But this for some reason is deemed as acceptable in society. Yet if a school posted a White Scholarship, the sole criteria being that your White with good academic scores, there would be riots in the streets. Certain schools in New York and New Jersey will now even accept black students papers and homework written in what is called 'ebonics'. This being accepted because it is considered that this is how they were raised. Yet if an asian student wrote a paper in 'ebonics' I'm sure it would be graded incorrectly. So in ultimately answering the orginial question, in my opinion obviously, no White people don't think that low paying jobs are the only thing that black people deserve. But I'm sure alot of White people in those low paying jobs would like to be considered for acceleration due to their race and not their job performance.

    User Detail :  

    Name : E. W. Germain, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Christian, Age : 22, City : Jacksonville, State : NC Country : United States, Occupation : Postal Clerk, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Lower class, 
    White people are extremely selfish when it comes to sharing a piece of the pie called The American Dream, especially when it comes to sharing it with qualified black people. And they love to tell themselves that black people who land good positions aren't qualified for the job. Even a person like myself who, after 8 years and three promotions, has more than proven myself but am still questioned with respect to my ability. My attitude? Screw them. I'm here. Get used to it.

    User Detail :  

    Name : RhondaOutlaw, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Lutheran, Age : 41, City : New York, State : NY Country : United States, Occupation : Account Representative, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    Blacks that are given jobs are not given jobs because they are black but because they are qualified. Being white does not make you any smarter than a person who is black. It is all about the person and race has nothing to do with it. I don't think God makes mistakes and I doubt he would create a whole race of incapable people. Blacks are seen as being incapable as a result of years of discrimination from whites.

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    Name : Sally, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, 
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