Male gynecologists

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  • #4906

    What is the motivation for a man to become a gynecologist? I am very curious about this issue because most women I know would refuse to go to a male gynecologist.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Alina, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 21, City : Redmond, State : WA Country : United States, Occupation : Student, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    I don't know why men become gynecologists vs. some other medical specialty, but I don't think most women are bothered by them. When I was younger (18 to 22), I went to a female gynecologist because I couldn't imagine talking about something that intimate with a man. But after a few visits, I realized that the gender of the doctor doesn't make a difference. The quality of care is the important thing. After all, it's medical care, just like medical care for any other system in the body. I've been to gynecologists of both genders and don't have a preference.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Jaqueline-C20977, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 26, City : San Jose, State : CA Country : United States, Occupation : Engineer, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    I prefer to only go to female doctors for gynecological reasons. The gender of the doctor makes a very big difference. I just don't believe that men get how embarrassing and vulnerable gynecological examinations are for many women. If I found the examination difficult and wanted the doctor to stop I'm not convinced a man would be sympathetic, that they'd get that such examinations can stir up very vulnerable feelings. There's another big gender difference. Recently, in New Zealand, a male doctor pled guilty to rape and sexual assault of female patients during gynecological and breast examinations. Several of the patients complained, they weren't believed. It was only when more patients came forward to complain that they were believed and something was done.

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    Name : Trust no manager, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 35, City : Wellington, State : NA Country : New Zealand, Occupation : Librarian, Education level : Technical School, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    I recall my wife telling me she wouldn't go to a female gynecologist. I think it's because she feels uncomfortable having another woman peering into her vagina. I suppose she's used to men having done that.

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    Name : Jimmi30528, Gender : M, Race : White/Caucasian, City : Seattle, State : WA Country : United States, 

    I know I'm way late to the conversation. But here goes anyway. I can't speak for the Ob/Gyns and why they would choose their profession. But I can speak for my wife on the M/F aspect, as she is vocal about the issue. She has been to both M/F Docs. Her Female Dr experinces were mostly in her early 20's, because of the comfort level. To my amazement, she swears by the male Dr's. One female Doc had the attitude of: '...Your preaching to the choir honey...'. And another was very rough and had a similar 'get over it' attitude. Probably because they have their own opinion based on their personal experience. Perhaps they have never had bad cramps and look at you as a complainer, or someone who doesn't do pain very well. Their opinion is influenced by their own experiences. (I could elaborate on this with male/male Dr visits similarly). The male Docs on the other hand have an 'idea', based on feedback from his patients. He will never know truly, therefore he is forced to be more open minded to his patients input, and less 'yeah yeah, I know what you mean' attitude. Certainly this is not to say there aren't any really bad male Drs out there, I am sure there are plenty.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Dave, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Spiritual - Non Traditional, Age : 33, City : Long Island, State : NY Country : United States, Occupation : Technical Manager, Education level : Technical School, Social class : Middle class, 
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