Knocking on doors for religion

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    Why do certain religions feel the need to do door to door 'recruiting' or teaching? And why, when you tell them you aren't interested in their information, do they insist on continuing?

    User Detail :  

    Name : Leann, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 27, City : Crown Point, State : IN Country : United States, Education level : Technical School, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    Anthony U.
    Many Christian faiths compel their members to "witness" to non-believers in an attempt to convert them. Those religions that have historically been seen as "evangelical" have often put a higher value on recruiting new members than on actually following the ethical philosophy put forth by Jesus of Nazareth.

    These people have "dumbed" down the idea of "witnessing" by viewing it as strictly a verbal, persuasive activity or marketing exercise. In truth, witnessing should consist of simply living out the principles put forth by Christ, or as the Christian philosopher Valentinus put it: 'Speak truth to those who seek it, And speak of understanding to those who have erred. Strengthen the feet of those who stumble; Extend your hands to those who are sick; Feed those who are hungry; Give rest to those who are weary; And raise up those who wish to rise.'

    A true Christian converts others by just acts, not by relentless browbeating. Of course, yelling at someone is easier than acting justly. It is far easier to worship Jesus' name than to follow his example.

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    Name : Anthony U., Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Unitarian, Age : 32, City : Bluefield, State : WV Country : United States, Occupation : University Administrator, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    They are commanded to proselytize, and they feel they are doing God's work, which is more important than your or my privacy. I just tell them I'm an atheist, wish them well and close the door. It works. Just don't waste time arguing with true believers.

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    Name : Vail, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Mutt, Religion : Atheist, Age : 40, City : Philly, State : PA Country : United States, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    In many cases, the religions that REQUIRE(and I don't mean suggest) a lot of knocking on doors are works-based. In other words, the individual must earn his or her way to heaven. This is why the caller is so determined to convince you to talk to him or her. It's required! However, Christianity does not require you to earn your salvation. It is a free gift by the grace of God through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. There are some religions that claim to be a Christian religion, but are not. The key is: What do you have to DO to gain eternal life?

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    Name : Annie23878, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Christian, Age : 53, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : Copy Editor, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    The reason most people give for preaching door to door is that they believe that what they have to say is important for everyone's life. I'm an Evangelical Christian, so I've done this before. To us it's kind of like being a decent neighbor and spreading the word through the community when a hurricane is announced, helping people get ready for it. The reason we insist even when people say they're not interested is that to us this is a matter of life and death.

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    Name : Justin27088, Gender : M, Religion : Christian, City : Philadelphia, State : PA Country : United States, Occupation : College Student, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Lower class, 

    Charles F.
    Growing up in an evangelical church, I heard this analogy: What if you had the cure for all diseases? You knew how to cure AIDS, cancer and everything else. You knew how to end suffering. Would you share it with others or keep it to yourself? Some people of faith believe their faith needs to be shared. They see their own lives as better. They are blessed and happy and at peace. They have left behind their old problems and embraced a better life. They want to share, and they feel that keeping this to themselves is cruel. And so, with the best intentions, they refuse to leave people alone about it. They see it in the same light as having an intervention for a friend in trouble. If you truly cared about a person, you would help them, even if they kept rejecting you. Be it alcohol, drugs or lack of faith. And not wanting anyone to go to Hell is also a concern. Again, if you were truly caring, would you want anyone to go to Hell? But that's the ideal motivation. There are other, less-ideal motivations: 1) Some faiths teach that if you don't go door-to-door, you yourself go to Hell. So these folks are doing it for themselves, not necessarily you. 2) Some people are determined to evangelize because they are actually insecure about their faith; thus, they go door-to-door in an effort to persuade themselves. 3) Some people have a martyr complex and thrive off the rejection. 4) Some people can't stand the thought of people living differently than they, and are out to change that.

    There are many reasons. In the end, people are silly creatures, and that explains many of life's questions.

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    Name : Charles F., Gender : M, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Christian, City : Houston, State : TX Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 

    jim vanderkolk
    The Bible commands christians to tell others about the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who aren't interest, tell us, and we go to others. Believe it or not, there are thousand of people not happy with the life they lead due to the sin in their life, which separates them from God. Where do you fit in?

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    Name : jim vanderkolk, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Baptist, Age : 67, City : show low, State : AZ Country : United States, Occupation : retired, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 

    Preaching is kinda like advertisements - when it is forced upon, it really doesnt earn any respect. Announcing a hurricane is far different from shoving down Jesus Christ someone's throat who is a Hindu or of other faiths. In my country, I always tell these preachers I am a Muslim and they usually back away. Its an offence to preach other religions to Muslims here.

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    Name : Shobana, City : Kuala Lumpur, State : NA Country : Malaysia, 

    These people are empowered by their teachings to go out into the world and bring people to Christ.

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    Name : missletile20500, City : grand rapids, State : MI Country : United States, 

    Because they really believe that you are in danger--of hell or of permanent death or permanent separation from god for eternity. They want to warn you and save you from the very true and very imminent danger (according to their beliefs) while showing you the very true and very wonderful life with god (according to their beliefs). Much the same as you would rescue a blind person heading for a cliff. Witnessing is viewed as an obligation and moral duty. This obligation and moral duty overcomes the embarassment and reluctance that the person naturally feels in doing this. It also allows them to handle the antagonism and rejection that they often encounter.

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    Name : Diane, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 47, City : Fletcher, State : NC Country : United States, Occupation : RN, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    I think it's part of their 'mission'. I have found that the best way to keep them from coming back to tell them you're a witch. I haven't had any 'visitors' at my door in 4 years..... My dad used to tell them he was a Satanist, but I think that's a little harsh. (In all fairness, I did explain Wicca to the guys--I didn't want them thinking I was feeding my cat babies, and that it's not bad, but still, they've left me alone for years!) I think it's disrespectful that these people can't just say thank you for your time, have a good day and walk away. I hate to be rude, but I have shut the door on them when they just won't leave me alone. I don't go knocking on their doors in the middle of the afternoon trying to convert them to my beliefs!

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    Name : Deb, Gender : F, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 35, City : SJ, State : MI Country : United States, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Lower middle class, 


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    Name : MIKE, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Methodist, Age : 34, City : BUFFALO, State : NY Country : United States, Occupation : PAINTING FORMAN, Education level : Technical School, Social class : Middle class, 

    I am a born again Christian believer, who has done my fair share of knocking on doors for religion, so I feel compelled to answer this question. The teachings of Christ instruct believers to 'go into all the world' with the news of the Gospel of Christ. For this cause, we knock on doors and hand out tracts in parking lots and even preach on the streets with bull horns. We realize that many people are in sin, not because they choose to be, but because no one has exposed them to the light of the Gospel. I've met many people who have had life changing experiences as a result of door-to-door witnessing. It's for these people and others like them that we do it. Now, I've personally been trained that if you offer Christ to someone and they reject it - leave them alone. The Word of God instructs us not to 'cast our pearls before swine.' The Gospel of Christ is far too precious to shove down anyone's throat. We simply should move on to the next person, who may be waiting for such good news, and pray for the person who has rejected the truth.

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    Name : Jenn, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Christian, Age : 26, City : Henderson, State : NC Country : United States, Occupation : Non-Profit, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    While I completely understand someone's wish to 'share' their religion I feel it is intrusive and impolite when they come knocking on my door even though I have a sign posted in plain sight stating I have no wish to be solicited. I am very busy with an young infant and when someone (anyone) comes to my door insisting I take 'only a moment' to listen that 'moment' is taking me away from my child. I feel that it should be MY COICE to seek out religion, not someone else's.

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    Name : Julie27028, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : American Indian, Age : 25, City : Austin, State : TX Country : United States, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    Pete T.
    What better example to follow than Jesus Christ, himself. In all the New Testament Jesus never went door-to-door. He would go about his 'normal' day, but because of the words he spoke and the miracles he did people would seek his revelation. Jesus was not one to push himself on non-believers, rather he would show them that he was the way, the truth , and the life by example: by loving his enemies, by eating with the 'sinners', by taking time to sit and talk with children. Christ is the example of whom we are to follow NOT other Christians. So, I believe, we are not to push Jesus onto others but instead be a light in a dark world and do the very things that Jesus did; pray for the sick, feed the hungry, give to the needy, love the people that are so easy to hate and most important love God with our heart, mind, and body.

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    Name : Pete T., Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Christian, Age : 24, City : Trenton, State : OH Country : United States, Occupation : steelworker, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
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