Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

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    Why is it that the black American community gives such credibility to people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpto n- even annointing them their 'leaders' - when their primary message is fear of the establishment (to them, 'white America') and the continuance of the culture of victimhood? It seems that to them, whenever a member of the black community is wronged or encounters misfortune, it is a racially motivated act, and they often fail to consider other reasons. While bias does exist in society, constantly screaming 'racist' does little to change problems in society and trivializes potentially serious issues. It is a lot like the boy who cried wolf: people did not know when he was really in trouble. What is most bothersome, however, is that the mainstream media is rarely critical of their actions and gives them credibility for preaching their message of fear.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Michael, Gender : M, Age : 30, City : Manassas, State : VA Country : United States, Occupation : History teacher, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    The Rev. Jesse Jackson's PUSH for excellence program (in the early '80s), which helped afford underprivileged children with high IQs opportunities to be able to develop and nurture their inner geniuses, as well as his negotiating hostage releases when no other U.S. politician could, are strong reasons for supporting him as a 'leader.' You should know a little bit about who you attack before you are so quick to attempt to continue the media's work of 'assaulting' black leaders. Don't fear those greater than you; respect them and learn from their actions. The Rev. Al Sharpton has been known to be mouthy, but as he has gotten older, he has become much more 'universal' in his practices, and he IS a minister. I could throw a rock in the crowd of 'white' leaders and find skeletons in their closets, too, so, as it has been said, if you're living in a glass house, don't throw no stones!

    User Detail :  

    Name : Blaque, Gender : M, Race : Black/Native American, City : Seattle, State : WA Country : United States, 
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