Good questions needing answers

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  • #4168

    1) I used to tell people I am part German. They asked me things like, 'were people your family Nazis?' They weren't, as a matter of fact. Why? 2) I am part Irish. I have a four-leaf clover tatoo on my leg (I am superstitous). Why do people automatically think I am a drunk? I don't drink and I don't condone it! 3) Why do so many people seek to defend their own race so beligerantly yet strive to point the finger and blame others so quickly? 4) Does anyone else believe that someday there will just be one race? What differences will people fight about then? Isn't it ignorance?

    User Detail :  

    Name : Erin, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Lutheran, Age : 20, City : Anaheim, State : CA Country : United States, Occupation : College Student, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
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