Black…White….Terms We Call Ourselves

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  • #6070

    Do the terms Black and White actually exsist? Lets take 'White' for instance. The White race doesnt even really exsist. So why do people refer to themselves as this? Out of all the colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet), why would anyone want to be labled as this? Personally, ive seen people who are supposedly 'white' who are darker in tone then I (fair skinned african american), so why am I to be refered to as black, and not them? The only 'white' people I have seen in my life are Albinos of all ethnicities. I suppose these people are 'whiter' as comparing themselves to others on this planet, yet, white was actually reguarded as something good? What is that about (other then supremacy) And what about black? There are many tribes in Africa that consist of whole populations that have fair skin....and what about African Americans? A larger percentage of African Americans aren't black in skin color at all. How come we say Black and White, and call others Hispanic, or Asian...or their rightful term? I prefer the term African American, but other African Americans look at me strange when I say I want to be called this, and not Black, or Nigga, or Negro, or whatever. I understand fully that these terms might be 'catch all' for those ethnicities of people we arent sure of, but what about those that we are? What are you guys' opinions?

    User Detail :  

    Name : alex, Gender : F, Race : *poweRpuFF greeN*, Age : 19, City : houston, State : TX Country : United States, Occupation : *maDsCienTist*, 
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