Animosity between Asians and blacks

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  • #20254

    I think that there is such great animosity between Blacks and Asians because their cultures and values are so very, very different. To the Asian mind American Blacks are a lost people without face. Meaning: They don't know who they are, and cannot connect with their ancestors. American Blacks were slaves who now don't know any African customs, don't know what tribe or country in Africa they came from. They know they came from Africa, but that is all, not the country in Africa or the tribe they came from. Keeping this in mind, Blacks don't know their tribal languages, food or last names - thus to Asians they are a conquered people without a culture or a past, a people who have lost 'face.' Then too, sad to say, the average Black inner city neighborhood isn't well maintained. This is where many of the Asian groceries and stores are. Asian people are usually a clean, quiet people which can be viewed as the direct opposite of what many American Blacks are. Asians are an industrious people who own their own businesses, do not seek government financial assistance and also are usually well educated. So, there you have it - cultural difference galore, and very different ways of life. I'll add this too - Asians usually dwell within a traditional nucleur family where the father is present and head of household. It is a traditional marriage of a man and woman and children. Most Blacks no longer live this way. They have children outside of marriage, there is no visible father, and the inner city Black that many Asian merchants see on a daily basis live in dirty squalor. All of the above are reasons why not only Asians, but most other races feel superior to Blacks. The current American Black lifestyle is a blueprint for failure.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Heather, City : Nashville, State : TN Country : United States, 
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