Reply To: Band-aids on faces, combs in Afros


These occurrences you've described are silly fads. As an American of African descent, I sometimes get frustrated over such silly, trivial displays of stupidity by other black males. These fads just add to the stereotypes put upon us. What is the practical significance of wearing pants below your butt so that your underwear is exposed, of chewing on a straw, wearing a Band-aid where there's no cut, limping as if you have a war injury, constantly refraining from using correct English, spending your whole paycheck on an outfit, putting gold in your mouth or driving a Cadillac Escalade with rims while you live in an apartment? Most of our young black men are so easily led by the unrealistic images on BET that they try to emulate this crap. These individuals have no identity, are misguided and easily follow whatever fad arises without questioning its source and/or meaning. Almost 70 percent of black households have no father. Much more have a male present who doesn't do a father's job. This is what we have reaped. It is sad.

User Detail :  

Name : Ramon, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/Hispanic, Religion : Pentecostal, Age : 26, City : Savannah, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : Graduate Student MPA, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Lower class,