Reply To: Tell the truth


Jarrett, I think the short answer is 'yes,' but it goes deeper. White Americans are often fairly outspoken about racism when the venue is non-threatening, such as on the Internet or among themselves, but they don't often deal well with direct confrontation. Their talk happens in several ways: 1) 'I'm not a racist!' Or 2) 'You're damn right I'm a racist!' but not often enough, option 3): 'I try as best I can to uproot the racist attitudes I was taught that are reinforced by the constant subliminal and overt messages of our society. Good intentions are certainly easy enough for people who have the luxury of taking the weekends off from the issue and aren't confronted by it every day. All we can hope is that Anne Frank was right that all people are 'basically good at heart.'

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Name : Jim, Gender : M, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 36, City : Seattle, State : WA Country : United States, Occupation : poet, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Lower middle class,