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July, 2016

  • 13 July

    Are straight guys flattered by gay crushes?

    I am a very masculine homosexual male, and I easily find myself being noticed by heterosexual males who know what my sexuality is. Why do some straight males go that extra mile to gain the attention of certain homosexual males? Is it because they are flattered by gay crushes or are they simply interested. It’s a mystery I have yet ...

  • 11 July

    Why do ‘Captain Bringdowns’ stay at jobs they hate?

    Why do people keep jobs they hate? I could understand the money or benefits, but why do something you don’t like doing? Didier R., Sexual Orientation: Straight, Race : Hispanic/Latino (may be any race), City : Chicago, State : IL, Country : United States, Occupation : student, 8815 Replies: I think anyone who’s ever been in the position you’re describing understands. ...

  • 6 July

    Listen up: Some Deafies don’t want to become cochlear ‘Hearies’

    I was born deaf, and I can say that the cochlear implant idea is offensive in more ways than one. As some of the others posted, it feels as if the Hearies are trying to “make” us one of them. That, I’m afraid, is the main reason why any parent would choose to do this to their child. They want ...

  • 5 July

    Does fake meat gross out vegetarians?

    Are people who are vegetarians by choice rather than a doctor’s orders offended by the vegetarian products on the market that imitate all of the aspects of real meat? Tina, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Catholic, Age : 34, City : Orlando, State : FL, Country : United States, Occupation : Mom, Education level : 2 Years ...

June, 2016

  • 30 June

    ‘There is always something going on down there’

    Have you thought of why you find giving oral sex aversive? I know some people (men and women) look at giving oral sex to their partner (again male or female) as unclean due to the other functions down there. When my son (he is 22) came to me complaining that his girlfriend wanted him to give her oral if she ...

  • 20 June

    Wife-carrying, high-tech, pill-popping, suicidal, sauna-loving, mud-packing Finns overrun by reindeer

    I never think about Finland, and I have even been there once. Little internal news about Finland ever hits the U.S. media. The only time Finland gets any press is during the Winter Olympics when they win a few medals in oddball sports like Biathalon and speed skating. I think the common impression of Finland in the United States is ...