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  • #9733

    why is it that the people you always see basically beating there kids, and swearing at them in stores are black?...they smack and hit them constantly...i worked at a store and had to call the cops on blacks constantly who were hitting their kids, taking their kids in cars with no car seats or leaving their kids alone in the car, i know this is what happens maybe not in all homes but in more black then white, white people are calmer with their children when they discipline them especially in public.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Julie, Gender : F, Age : 27, City : Akron, State : OH Country : United States, 

    I guess no one else acknowledges your ignorance...but I will because I see you don't get out much...historically yes..black people do discpline their children by spanking them or tapping their hand...I've also seen whites spank and tap their child's hand..its a parenting choice....spankings vs. timeout I think are more effetive because I bet if I spank my child for doing something outrageous versus putting in a chair in a corner..he won't do it again..it depends on what type of children you have..some need spankings some just need to be scolded..my mother all she has to do is look at us and we straighten up..but if that look didn't do it...some fire will be torn to our behinds

    User Detail :  

    Name : Brittany, Gender : Female, Race : Black/African American, Age : 20, City : Washington, State : DC Country : United States, Education level : 2 Years of College, 
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