Why do we dress so grubby?

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    Personally, I do not think all Teens dress that way. Mostly, we do try to take care of our selfs, but every once in a while, we can be lazy and just not want to look nice that day. In my position, I do sometimes wear pajamas to school, when im running late or when I just don't feel like dress my normal way. I also think a lot of it has to do with time. Since most of my teens and I can run late, we just pick something and throw it on. But like I said, this only happens sometimes and we mostly try to look appropriate.

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    Name : ali31371, City : st.charles, State : IL Country : United States, 

    Both sides... I have a full time professional job plus part time schooling. I go to classes before, during or after work, and draw attention because my shirts are freshly pressed, my pants have a neat crease, my shoes are polished, and my accessories are tasteful and professional. Underneath this, however, I'm tatoo'd and pierced. I didn't always look conservative, a year ago, I had dreadlocks past my belt line. Now, you can dress however you choose, and dressing well might make a good impression on your teachers and fellow students, but I've found that showing up, staying focused, and answering pertinent questions is a much more effective imprint. However, when I was scrubbed out, if I drifted off, it was assumed I was on something, whereas now, I'm a busy tired professional trying his best to find the energy. Oh well. In my opinion, when you are a professional and they are paying you, they can put a dress code in effect. If you're paying for classes, go scrubby, by all means, while you still have the chance.

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    Name : John, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Human, Religion : Omnitheist, Age : 24, City : Boynton Beach, State : FL Country : United States, Occupation : Telecommuications, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Lower class, 

    I can think of a handful of reasons why this goes on: Number one, I don't know if they did it 30 plus years ago, but these days, you never know, along with school, some of the people have to work a full time job and have whatever else on their schedule to balance, and are merely there to get educated rather than make a fashion statement which leads right into: Number two, we'll leave the making a fashion statement to the high school kids, suddenly they graduate/drop out whatever, and when everyone goes in a million different directions in life, they suddenly realize that the vast majority of the population don't look twice at their $200 sneakers and to which side their hair is parted. Number three, even if my previous statement is incorrect to some people, comfort will have to become more important than personal appearance since college studies are to be taken more seriously than high school, after all it is coming directly out of either your or your parents wallet. Which leads into: Number four, as much as college costs these days, and since it's not like high school where the funding simply gets taken out of your parents taxes, I'd protest that if I wanted to show up to class in my pajamas (and some people do) that's my business and finance-choking right to do so. Number five, if the students all around personal hygiene was up to standards, does it really matter what they are wearing? Finally: Number six, all throughout the course of your life, starting at around age 5, you go to school and it is expected of you to learn this that and the other, but here's something they don't teach you: how to learn. In most cases, you'll have to be all the way up to college level to take a course on this. One thing they will teach you, is never study in bed, because 'when you get in your bed, your body grows a mind of it's own, thinking oh boy! it must be time for sleep! making you risk getting drowsy.' So my argument here, is what if all their life, the person always changed into their sweats or other 'after school clothes' to study? Then the only thing that changes, is they drop the 'after school' label, and they become simply: clothes.

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    Name : Joe, Gender : M, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Atheist, Age : 23, City : Houston, State : TX Country : United States, Occupation : I.T., Education level : Technical School, Social class : Middle class, 
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