Why are Americans so insensitive to Palestine?

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    I watched a young American man (common guy) on TV commenting on the mideast conflict a few days ago and he suggested that Palestinians be given a homeland on land donated by the Saudis! This highlighted something for me: most Americans really have absolutely no idea what the Palestinian cause is! Most Americans don't understand that Palestinians don't just need any land, they need their land! Why is it that most Americans don't know anything about Palestinian history, culture and suffering? And why are Americans so insensitive to loss of life among Palestinians and so sensitive to the death of a single Israeli? I never noticed this problem in Europe! Most Europeans admit the Palestinians were grossly and historically wronged. Is it something that has to do with your history curricula, or is it your media or what? I think this is a very important question because your insensitivity to Palestinian suffering is about the only reason secular Arabs hate you right now (most of them consider you racist), and no it can't be 9/11 because this has been here even before 9/11.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Karim, Gender : M, Age : 23, City : Los Angeles, State : CA Country : United States, Social class : Middle class, 
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