Skidmarks on underwear

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    Why do so many guys of all ages have skidmarks in their underwear? I currently have neices and nephews of various ages, did the laundry as a chore growing up (brothers, sisters, mom and dad), and have friends that are married and/or have kids. It's been my observation - and been confirmed by many female friends - that 95% of the time guys have skidmarks and that women rarely, if ever, have them. My current theory is that women get more practice wiping because we have to do it every time we pee, while guys only do it when they poo, so they don't develop the same level of skill. My friend says it's because boys think farts are funny while girls are taught that they're not 'ladylike.' Therefore, boys/men are more likely let their farts rip and are, therefore, more prone to 'sharts' while girls/women hold them in and don't experience those accidents. I haven't asked many guys and those that I have asked claim to be in the 5% (even my brothers, whose laundry I did, so I know they're lying). So what's the real reason? Any other theories?

    User Detail :  

    Name : FreedaBee, Gender : Female, Sexual Orientation : Lesbian, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 42, City : Orange County, State : CA Country : United States, Occupation : Analyst, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    I would agree with much of your assessment and add the fact that (in general), guys don't care as much about their hygiene, so they don't take the time to clean themselves as well to start with. Also, guys really do think of one thing at a time, so when they have gas, they forget about it and go on with whatever they are doing, not going to clean themselves, if necessary.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Anita, Gender : Female, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 49, City : Indianapolis, State : IN Country : United States, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 

    I'm pretty regularly leaving skid marks nowadays. I have hemorrhoids and there's a limit to how vigorously I can clean back there without drawing blood. Also, I've been told to make changes to my diet to make my excrement softer. But I suspect the main culprit is the fart issue is as you describe it.

    User Detail :  

    Name : CharlesB, Gender : Male, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jewish, Age : 56, City : Oakland, State : CA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Lower middle class, 
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