Neo-Nazis and Jesus

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    I'm a young white woman, proud of my heritage and racial background. I don't advocate violence against others, but I feel I have every right to be proud of my race. The thing I wanted to know is how can Neo-Nazis be Christians? Jesus was supposed to be a Jew, wasn't he?

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    Name : Sarah, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Atheist, Age : 17, City : Sterling Heights, State : MI Country : United States, Occupation : Student, Education level : Less than High School Diploma, Social class : Lower class, 

    Neo-Nazism, or racism in general, mixes with Christianity like matter and antimatter. The two ideologies are completely incompatable. Jesus was indeed a Jew, and is regarded to be a descendant of King David (through His earthly father, Joseph the Carpenter), of the Tribe of Judah. Christianity, when it first started out, was considered a sect of Judaism centered around Jerusalem, in Israel/Palestine. There were converts in Ethiopia and Egypt before Europe. There were converts in India before England. There were converts in China before Scandinavia. Today, about 80% of Christendom is non-white, including me (viva la raza!). The Apostle Paul was a verbal opponent of racism, and he spoke against it in Galatians 3:26 and Colossians 3:11. Jesus was also 'notorious' for defying the Jewish xenophobia of that age. Racist organizations who claim Christianity came up with a false doctrine that states Jesus was really a white man, and that northern Europeans are the actual chosen people while Jews are the result of Eve having sex with satan. They believe that other minorities are 'mud people' who have no souls. As you can see, it's completely ridiculous and has absolutely no place in God's church.

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    Name : Dan, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : na, Race : Chicano, Religion : Pentecostal Christian, Age : 21, City : Los Angeles area, State : CA Country : United States, Occupation : Student, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    Neo-Nazis attempt to deny that Jesus was a Jew in several ways. 1. Some of their 'literature' claims, spuriously, that Jesus was an Indo-European Hittite, not a Jew, or Semite; they must also make the same claim for King David. They also base these claims on their own imaginative interpretation of Old & New Testament passages. 2. They may also likely have 'compartmentalized' modes of thinking, choosing to ignore challenges to their beliefs (i.e., the constant reaffirmation throughout the New Testament of Jesus's Jewish heritage and identity--Jesus was a rabbi!) so as to remain Neo-Nazis. Some may continue this way indefinitely until they develop the honesty to face the truth and accept what the Bible and mainstream religious academics have to say about Jesus's Jewishness. 3. Neo-Nazis, by and large, are not known for their studiousness and shy away from books as does the legendary vampire from a crucifix. Many of them prefer to remain ignorant and, indeed, relish their own simpleness as a sign of folkish closeness to the white Christian working class. Is it a huge surprise that they would believe a swarthy Middle East rabbi from a good Jewish family is a...Nordic?!

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    Name : Karl-Heinz, Gender : M, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Unitarian, Age : 45, City : Pasadena, State : CA Country : United States, Occupation : teacher, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    Chris L.
    I live in the north west Neo Nazis do not beleave in Jesus. They beleave it is made from Jews to supress White people. It is to make whites have fear of taking their right full spot on earth. It is the Arein Nations who beleave they are the true decendents of Jesus and they do not beleave he is Jewish. Regardless they are both gangs praying on the weak. They are looking for the white people who have had bad luck. That helps them push their theorys on theese white people that they are being supressed and they need to do something about it. They sell guns and meth. They are busting meth labs left and right. Each time some how it is linked to Arein Nation or the Nazis

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    Name : Chris L., Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : white latino, Religion : Christian, Age : 25, City : spokane, State : WA Country : United States, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Lower class, 

    Many of the 'Neo-Nazi's'(New Nazi's? why not just Nazi's?) believe that Jesus was an 'Aryan'. According to the Senate Dockets of Rome (Jesus's Roman Trial by Pilate) called the 'Acta Pilati', Christ was tall, Blonde/Sandy headed, had blue eyes and was very handsome. Many of the Christian Nazi's (such as Aryan Nations) believe that The modern Jews are the devil's children; that Satan had sex with Eve, and produced a bloodline. John 8:44 says that Jesus told The Jewish leaders that their father was the devil; this scripture is believed to be literal, and not figurative by groups like Aryan Nations. So, that's why they can be Nazi's and Christians. Hitler was a Catholic who dabbled in Theosophy and the ancient Norse religions, along with a Jewish Nazi, Rosenberg. Several of the Nazi leaders were Jewish, which always seems to escape the mainstream media's attention of the Nazi's. Hitler thought that The Aryans were a people descended from Atlantis, and that through selective breeding, he could breed a race of 'god-men' who would have things like ESP, Telekenesis,Prognostication, etc. He thought that the Aryans had lost these gifts through breeding with non-Aryans. Tim

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    Name : Tim, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Christian, Age : 32, City : Jacksonville, State : FL Country : United States, Occupation : pastor, Social class : Middle class, 

    Nazis are not christians, they have pagan beliefs(odin , thor, ...).

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    Name : jake21073, City : los angeles, State : CA Country : United States, 
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