Homesexuality and Religion

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  • #4340

    I have no wish to waffle but here are my feelings before the question: I used to be heavily involved with Christian churches and have studied the Bible in depth. I have also had many gay friends, some of whom I loved but was never sexually attracted to. I am not gay and I find nothing wrong with anyone who is. I would like to have my question answered by a gay person(s). Here's my question: Why do some gays feel justified when they say they are follow a Christian faith but can be gay? Obviously, there are many out-of-the-closet preachers and parishioners. How can someone believe but do not follow/believe/accept the Christian precept that being homosexual is a sin? Is there some sort of doctrinal proof or compromise? The danger (I feel) is that heterosexuals will not respect your faith because it is hypocritical.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Joe, City : Phoenix, State : AZ Country : United States, 
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