Hearing the Good News too often

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    Why do Christians feel the need to tell us about Jesus? I know the Bible says to do that, but in a culture as influenced by Christianity as ours, do you honestly think people could grow up without ever hearing the word 'Jesus'? We see churches every day, and we know what they're there for, and we know we have the choice to go or not. I am trying to be polite, as I do respect Christianity in general, but I have just received the umpteenth e-mail informing me that 'Jesus died for you!' How could someone think that I've never heard of Jesus before?

    User Detail :  

    Name : Michelle, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 17, City : Potsdam, State : NY Country : United States, Social class : Middle class, 

    Have you ever found out something wonderful and went to tell everyone you know about it? It's just human nature to share good news with others, and this is, in my oppinion, the greatest news ever. Don't get offended. They're just happy, and they are trying to spread that happiness to others.

    User Detail :  

    Name : TR24810, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Religion : Mormon, Age : 17, City : San Jose, State : CA Country : United States, Occupation : Student, Education level : Less than High School Diploma, 

    Well...if you hadn't heard the Good News so much..would you really know as much as you do about Christianity. And there are people out there who don't know much about Christianity...well they probably know about the churches and etc. And people sending the emails ..just want to reach out a hand to help others. No harm in that at all. But be warned i heard there was an email virus going on that says ..Jesus died for you as the subject. Take care

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    Name : Kim, Gender : F, City : Knoxville, State : TN Country : United States, 

    What I think you're experiencing is the typical excitement of any (great) discovery. Like finding money or anything else of value. Ya gotta tell someone. You've already noticed the Christian is merely being faithful to what they've discovered the Bible to say to them in addition to what they've found to be wise teaching from church. You can say you're not interested or ask them where they're coming from, give them a chance as if you've just shared a great idea and now you're simply returning the favor. I suggest you do your own research though (read Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell: he set out to disprove Christianity) and or talk to God yourself but that requires belief that requires action on your part. This does not mean you will turn into the people that have annoyed you or do the things they've done to you: a relationship with God is very personal and not merely doing what other people do: that would be shallow and fake and I think you want the real truth here. I wouldn't mind some dialouge if you have the time, maybe I can help answer some more questions -- without preaching to you. Please put Y? in the subject so I know its you or someone from this page, thanks, Don propdrc@hotmail.com

    User Detail :  

    Name : Don, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Religion : Christian, Age : 31, City : San Diego, State : CA Country : CA, Occupation : College Senior, Education level : 2 Years of College, 

    It's not that people think you haven't heard of Jesus. It's that they think or know you're not saved, and to a Christian that means you're headed for hell. In the Bible it says that those who are saved are to bring others to salvation by telling them that Jesus died for their sins and that if they accept Jesus as their savior they can have everlasting life. Most Christians feel they are doing you (or any person) a favor to tell them the salvation message and help them go to heaven, just as you might feel you were helping someone if you warned them that a car was headed right at them. In fact, you would find it puzzling if you yelled "A car is coming!" and the person got mad at you for telling them. And it's not a question of going to church, because you can be saved without ever going inside a church. It's accepting Jesus that saves you, not church attendance.

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    Name : Sara28366, Gender : F, City : Oakland, State : CA Country : United States, Social class : Middle class, 

    When you get out and talk to a lot of different people it's suprising how many people really don't know anything about God or the Bible, even though they live in a country that is supposedly surrounded in religion.

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    Name : Shauna, City : Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, 

    For the past two summers I have worked in St. Louis as a door-to-door Christian book saleswoman for tuition money, and one thing that I have personally discovered (to my shock) is that yes, there are still many people out there that haven't even heard the name Jesus, let alone what He represents. It may seem impossible for people to 'just not know', but the truth is, it happens. I personally shared the story of Jesus' birth to a ten year old and his mother... and it was the first time for both. For me, this is a sad truth, but in all reality it is very possible for people to have never heard the word 'Jesus', except maybe in a derogatory or debased manner.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Laura, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Religion : Seventh-Day Adventist, City : St. Louis, State : MO Country : United States, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
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