Could you love a smelly woman?

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    I'm a fairly attractive young woman. I'm intelligent, if shy. But I've had an unusual and embarassing intestinal problem for years. I go around smelling like a bowel movement. It can't be covered up with perfume, and I can't do anything to help it. I've been to three doctors and they couldn't help me. They just told me to live with it. My hygiene is good. I shower twice a day, wear deodorant and clean clothes and brush my teeth. In general, I eat healthy. Yet whatever I do, I always smell like this. I've tried to keep this problem to myself and go on about life as normally as possible. I doubt if I told people I would get much sympathy. If you knew someone like this, how would you react? What would you think of them? Men: would you consider dating a person like this?

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    Name : Kelly26582, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Age : 20, City : na, State : NA Country : United States, 

    Are you certain nothing can be done? If your condition has a name, I'll bet there's information about it on the Internet, along with some possible treatments (which your doctors may not know about). I admit, if I were meeting you for the first time and didn't know about your condition, I would wonder why you smelled that way. Explain your medical condition to your co-workers. They may or may not understand, but you will have done all you can do. The decent ones will learn to overlook the odor and focus on the real you.

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    Name : ED25517, Gender : F, Race : Black/African American, Age : 47, City : Kansas City, State : MO Country : United States, 

    D. Louise
    Please don't feel the need to explain yourself to people! You sound like a wonderful person who needs some good friends. Your situation is not one that begs sympathy; it simply warrants friendly understandling. While one could find an interest in helping research your condition, it is also important for people to know you as who you are. Don't give up.

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    Name : D. Louise, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 22, City : Flint, State : MI Country : United States, Occupation : direct care management, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    Gosh, I'm sorry to hear you have this condition. I guess if I were around you, and you explained to me the situation, I would treat it like any other disability; accept it. Even if you didn't explain it to me, I wouldn't say anything -- I would just think to myself that this person has really bad hygeine. Either way, I would get used to it, because the longer someone's nose is exposed to a smell the less noticeable they become of it. As far as men and dating, I would say the best thing is for you to be honest with them. I mean, I know this may sound cliche, but if they really like you, they will deal with your disability. When a person falls in love with somebody, they have to accept the good and the bad. You really wouldn't want someone who can only accept you if you meet society's ideal of 'perfect' or 'normal.' However, with the Internet, maybe you should try to find other people with the disability similar to yours. This may make things easier for you in regards to dating or just finding someone else who understand you in general.

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    Name : Kristina26297, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Christian, Age : 22, City : DC, State : DC Country : United States, Occupation : Student, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    Hmmm - I've been told I have a similar problem. I was told by those living with me that no matter how much I clean myself, I still smell. That pissed me off, because how can you still smell if you bathe 7 days a week? Anyway, it was suggested to me that I might need a colonic cleansing, because it seems as if the smell is coming from my pores, and I'm told it smells like the food I eat and the apartment I once lived in. So that's something you might want to look into, because you say nothing else is working. Also, there are sprays that you could just spray your clothes with - you can find tham in any drugstore, I think.

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    Name : G.K., Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Christian, Age : 35, City : Detroit, State : MI Country : United States, Occupation : Security Guard, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    I hope the hygienic situation you described doesn't cause you too much internal chaos and personal discomfort. You indicated that you doubt people would be sympathetic if you explained your situation to them. Have you tried to? You might be surprised to see how people may react if you explained your situation rather than having them only notice you by virture of how you smell. I don't mean that you should go around and tell everyone you meet your story, but maybe only those you feel are worthy of your company. Would I consider dating 'a person like this'? Yes. What would I think of them? If I really wanted to be friends with them and they were 'good people,' i.e. a person I found to be compatible, I would let that be my guiding principle. Hang in there. You are young and have a wonderful life ahead of you. Find the path that best suits you and stick with it.

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    Name : Joe, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Baptist, Age : 45, City : Tallahassee, State : FL Country : United States, Occupation : Management, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    I think you should look at your diet. Try removing certain types of foods and see if things get better. A typical culprit would be dairy, but it could also be certain vegtables such as broccoli or onions. Ask a nutritionist. Just let your personality shine and work with what you have.

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    Name : Frank21705, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 27, City : Winnipeg, State : NA Country : Canada, Occupation : pipe fitter, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    I'm really sorry to hear about your problem, Kelly. To some extent, I know how you feel because I have a problem with my nose that causes me to have to cough up loads of mucous every morning when I wake up, and it really puts girls off. However, after 8 years of seeing different doctors about it, I've now finally found a doctor who can help me, and after a year of treatments I think I'm cured! I just wanted to say: don't give up looking for a cure - there's always a solution to every problem. Just keep seeing loads of different doctors and eventually one of them will be able to help you. And look on the Internet, too. I must admit that I do like a woman who smells nice, but there's no way I'd let a bad smell put me off a girl if I liked her. I'd probably just be very sympathetic about it. And contrary to what most girls think, guys aren't really that put off by bodily functions, anyway. I think guys are a lot more laid back about this stuff and can find it funny or even sexy. I think the most important thing is having self-confidence and showing people that you're not ashamed of your body - then other people won't think of it as such a big deal. One final thing I'd like to mention: I believe it's possible to get used to any smell. If you go to the toilet, it smells bad at first, but after you've sat there a while you don't notice it anymore. People who live on a farm get used to the smell of manure; some even come to love the smell, as it reminds them of something they love (home). It may sound crazy, but I think if anyone loved you, they may even grow to love your smell, too. But don't give up on an answer just because a couple of doctors said there's no cure. I have probably seen about 20 doctors about my condition, and the first 19 of them were no help at all.

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    Name : Jamie, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Christian, Age : 26, City : Torbay, State : NA Country : United Kingdom, Occupation : designer, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    I spend long hours in front of the computer. This smell happens to me sometimes as the week goes on. The more I get up and move around during the day, the less likely it is that the smell will happen. Do you also sit a lot during the day? best, Jay

    User Detail :  

    Name : Jay31112, City : Portland, State : OR Country : United States, 

    Chuck A.
    There are two things you should try: (1) Eating foods that produce less gas, and (2) using an 'internal deodorant.' Foods that are high in fiber that isn't easily digested (raw veggies, beans) will produce gas; and if you are lactose intolerant, you'll want to steer clear of diary products as much as possible. As for internal deodorants, try finding chlorophyll tablets or capsules; many people swear by them. How people smell has a LOT to do with how we respond to them, so if you're looking for love, you need to start doing internet research for answers, and find a specialist who knows more about 'bad gas.'

    User Detail :  

    Name : Chuck A., Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 41, City : Spring Hill, State : WV Country : United States, Occupation : AIDS Educator/Part-time radio announcer, 

    Hi Kelly, First of all, a little searching on google turned up lots of posts about similar situations. Maybe you can sift through them and find something that will help you out. Go to and type in 'fecal body odor' or something similar, and try it out (google is god). Secondly, I don't know what kinds of physicians you visited, but if you haven't yet maybe you should see a specialist. Often general physicians are absolutely clueless about issues that specialists may have a lot of knowledge in. I'm not sure but I think you want a gastroenterologist. You may also want to look into alternative medicine. They treat things in non-conventional ways. Be weary because the field is largely unregulated, so do your research. For instance, I found this site (on google) that talks about a disorder with symptoms that seem to match yours (Leaky Gut Syndrome): Lastly, of course there are people who would date someone like you. I would, and I'm your age and happen to be quite attractive (if you ask me! ;). I think the hardest part would be actually getting through to people so they can actually get to know you. Unfortunately there are some disabilities (such as odor-type disabilities) that people don't really hear about very often, so when they're exposed to someone who smells differently, they assume the worst. I know that your response to this may be 'easy for you to say', but maybe you could start thinking about this as a blessing rather than a curse. Think of it as a 'people filter', that will ensure that only great people will be a part of your life. I realize that you just want to live like any other person, but keep in mind that lots of other people have less noticeable 'curses.' Everyone has a curse or two, we just have to learn to live with them and appreciate what we have, rather than lamenting about what we don't. Have as much fun as you can with people who love you, and say 'F**k them' to people who don't. Their loss. That's what I do. Best of luck, Tim

    User Detail :  

    Name : Tim, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Latino and White, Religion : Buddhist, Age : 20, City : Ypsilanti, State : MI Country : United States, Occupation : Grad Student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    The odor that you are emanating is serious toxic overload. Try chlorophyll in its concentrated forms. Chlorella will clean you out and have you sweet-smelling in no time. No more morning breath, either. It will also help your health in numerous other ways.

    User Detail :  

    Name : anonymous23690, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Age : 38, City : NY, State : NY Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    Muhammad Ali
    Beauty is, in my opinnion, good for only one thing... initial attraction. If you are beautiful you will have the advantage of attraction so more people will try to know you. its the getting to know part thats important, its then that where real beauty is, its' what will ensure constant attraction, or love. So barring on our incompatibility, i would go out with you. As for your problem i suggest you chew food well (if you dont) and check your diet for a problem food that doesn't go with your body's digestion.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Muhammad Ali, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Asian, Religion : Muslim, Age : 19, City : Dubai, State : NA Country : UAE, Occupation : Student, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    Do you mean you smell like this `24/7, or when you pass gas. I don't understand. If it's an intestinal problem, then that's called gas. Does it happen with certain foods, or at certain times? If so you could try Beano. It helps break down the foods that cause gas. Or try chloraphyll tabs. A lot of ppl that have ostomies use these to help deodorize.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Georgia, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Lesbian, Race : Human, Religion : Pagan, Age : 50, City : Springtown, State : TX Country : United States, Occupation : nurse, Education level : Technical School, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    Kelly- it sounds like you have a disorder called Ciliac disese, which is a food allergy to wheat and gluten. Try going to an allergist and getting tested, or see a nutritionist about an elimination diet- this disorder is often misdiagnosed or undetected, in many, many, people.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Pam19453, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Catholic, Age : 43, City : middleburg, State : FL Country : United States, Occupation : stay home mom, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
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