Confederate Flag racist?

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  • #24751

    The confederate flag is a part of my history. No matter what you do, you can't erase that. I fly my confederate flag because it is my right to fly a symbol of the Old South. The more disrespect the flag and the South is given, more I do to illuminate and honor it. Drop this issue and go on with more important things. My God. The South is defined by more than slavery.(a surprise to many). I love the South. I don't worship symbols, however. I worship God. I hope you only worship Him as well.

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    Name : pale-rider, City : atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, 

    I have a confederate flag in my room. I will not deny that hateful organizations such as the KKK have taken this symbol as an expression of their hate. The confederacy was not soley about racial inequality. I admit that that was a hot issue at the time, but there were political and economic reasons that drove the succession. If you need proof that the war wasn't just about slavery, then look at the times, Lincoln was willing to allow slavery in the southern states; therefore if slavery wasn't in danger in the American south then why would that be the only reason for the war? That said, the 'Stars and Bars' were made with the same colors and motifs of the American flag. this was a horrible time in our nation's history. However horrible it was, the south, for the most part, does not see the confederate flag as a racist symbol. I see it as a symbol of succsession, of defiance, but not one of racism.

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    Name : Joe, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Christian, Age : 18, City : Everett, State : WA Country : United States, Occupation : Student, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    Hello Michelle and how are you doing today? I find it so refreshing to hear people say that the flag is racist when all i have been seeing on tv is the media interviewing people who believe it is representing the south. The only thing it is represting is racism. PLain and simple. if i were to fly a nazi flag outside my house and claim it was for my 'german' heritage or for some other reason than hate, would that not be offensive to everyone. i wish southerners who support the flag could see this. It is hatred and i am so glad you see this michelle. What you should do is tell everyone you know not to use because it sends the wrong message and is for the wrong message. I think people who do fly it proud are using it for racist purposes. and sometimes people use it subconsciously being racist. and others simply believe it really is for southern pride. but think about this: the people who believe it is for southern pride, the minute a black person petitions and makes them take down the flag, what is the first word that comes into that southerners head? and i believe there should be a flag for the world. so that we can get over all this country pride and embrace each other as a whole. Live your life in good ways and expect rewards. Thank you for your time in reading this. Bless You, Love To All, Peace Preacher

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    Name : The-Peace-Preacher24736, City : Everywhere, State : NA Country : Anywhere, 

    Ashley M.
    I don't believe that all people who display the Confederate flag are extreme racists, but merely insensitive and proud of a heritage which is shameful. These people are clinging to a symbol from the past that represents a time in American history of which most Americans are ashamed, but they see it as a symbol of a place and not a time. That doesn't make them right it simply makes them thoughtless. Once racists began using this symbol as one of hate the people who display it as proud southerners should have been outraged at this misuse rather than the justifiable anger of blacks. Ironically, these same people are often the ones demanding that blacks forget the past so that America can move into the future as they cling to their confederate flag which was created at a time when blacks were still enslaved.

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    Name : Ashley M., Gender : F, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Presbyterian, Age : 20, City : Charlotte, State : NC Country : United States, Occupation : student, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    Mike Simmons
    The Confederate flag is most certainly NOT a symbol of racism IMHO. Students of the War Between the States and those who wish to return to the priciples of our founders understand that the Confederate flag more than anything represents a statement indicating that the person who displays the symbol understands and believes in the freedoms we originally possessed. There are those who wish to portray the flag as a symbol of racism, but they are also those whose wish to use race to divide us, not unite us. I would submit that if you would study the reason for the conflict you would understand more about what the flag means to us.

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    Name : Mike Simmons, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Lutheran, Age : 53, City : Union, State : MO Country : United States, Occupation : Service Manager, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper class, 

    Obviously if your white you should have read your history books. The flag is simply a flag. It has had many variations well not many but 3 all with the stars in differnt places. Those stars simply represent the number of states that consisted the confederacy at that time. No more No less. Now what ever issues you have about the civil war are one thing and would be in another forum. But you just remember alot of men died carrying that flag into battle. The fact that your white and offended shows your ignorance on this subject, read a book take time to understand dont side with blacks who view it one way when it really is all it is, a flag.Like it or not it is history and it is heritage, you cant erase it if every confederate flag disappeared off the face of the earth, nothing in the black community would change.Hope this helps.

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    Name : valerie24502, City : Ft. lauderdale, State : FL Country : United States, 

    Mike Simmons
    The Confederate Flag is most definitely not racist. It symbolizes the objection of Southerners to the ursurpation of states rights by the Federal government. Keep in mind that the US Flag (Old Glory) was displayed over slave states for many years, doe that make it racist? Of course not! Before you pass judgement on the Confederate Flag or upon those who still respect what it represents, please take time to study the War Between the States and what the war was fought over. Of course slavery was ONE issue, but the war was fought because of MANY issues.

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    Name : Mike Simmons, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Lutheran, Age : 53, City : Union, State : MO Country : United States, Occupation : Service Manager, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper class, 

    I consider it racist. It is flown at the Koo-Koo Klan's rallies, and that speaks for itself. I can understand some peoples' feelings that it honors their ancestors who fought under it during the Civil War (as wrong as I think that is), but if those people really feel that way, they should stand up and protest its being displayed as a symbol of racism and white supremacy. I haven't heard of such a protest yet.

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    Name : ED25449, Gender : F, Race : Black/African American, Age : 46, City : Kansas City, State : MO Country : United States, 

    I can only speak for myself, of course, but to me it is a matter of pride in my Southern heritage. Some of my ancestors came from the South and even fought in the Civil War. None of these ancestors owned slaves and one married a Native American woman so I have never considered it to be racist to display this flag personally. I am proud of my ancestors who did their duties and fought for their respective sides whether it was North or South even though it cost some of them their homes, families, friends or their lives. It was a terrible time in American history, but, like it or not, it IS a part of our country's history. You've already stated that you believe it is racist and offensive. I'd like to note that I resent ignorant people who display the Confederate flag simply to be offensive. But I really don't believe most people who display this flag intend to offend or insult anyone. There is also the fact that The Confederate flag has become a symbol that is widely used and associated with Southern Rock. Now I'm curious to know what you feel would be an 'appropriate' way for a girl from Indiana, a Yankee, to express pride in my Southern heritage? Honest question. I'd like to know what would NOT be considered offensive.

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    Name : Marie, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 36, City : Jeffersonville, State : IN Country : United States, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    The Confederate Flag was not considered a racist symbol until certain activist black groups decided to flex their muscles and declare it as such. When I was a kid, my black classmates would wave that flag and think nothing of it. The racist label put on the flag is another example of historical revision. The fact is that the Confederate Flag is a symbol of the South - period. Liberals like to point out that it once flew over a slave nation, but that is no barometer of racism unless you think that the United States flag is racist - it once flew over slave nation too!! I proudly fly it and I'm not racist. Good question, Michelle!!

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    Name : Kevin, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Christian, Age : 35, City : Charleston, State : SC Country : United States, Occupation : Attorney, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper class, 

    The Confederate flag is a symbol of my Southern heritage. I am proud of my ancestors who did what they thought was right and fought for their 'country' even though they were on the losing side. My Southern ancestors never owned slaves, FYI. I DO believe it is offensive to display the Confederate flag if it done with the intent to offend or insult. But unless there are other factors made known, you don't know an individuals thoughts on the matter, and are therefore in no position to judge. The fact that your profile says you are agnostic might offend a large number of religious people but it is your right not only to claim agnosticism, but to say so publicly because of this little thing called 'Freedom of Speech.' I am also proud of my German ancestors and have a tattoo written in German. None of my ancestors were Nazis, for the record. Another thing many people forget is that any and all things Southern, and most specifically, the Confederate flag, have become synonymous with Southern Rock. You may not like this genre but many people do. All else aside, whether you like it or not, the Confederate flag is part of our nation's rich history. The Civil War was a defining event in the shaping of America. Initially, the Civil War was about secession and keeping our country united. Abolitionism was a secondary issue. Slavery was not unique to the South. There had been slaves in the North and Border states, too. The flag is only a symbol of slavery and oppression to the ignorant, uninformed, and a few hateful people who needed a symbol of some sort, any sort, for their 'cause' because their 'cause' couldn't stand on it's own.

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    Name : Marie, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 36, City : Jeffersonville, State : IN Country : United States, Social class : Upper middle class, 

    There are times in America's history that was dark and much suffering occured. Does this mean we shouldn't fly the American flag? No doubt, some people do display it as a 'white pride' sort of statement. And actually, this is why it has such a negative connotation. But not everyone who flies a confederate flag is doing so to make a racist statement. It is history and history is important to some people. For many it is a matter of pride or heritage.

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    Name : Cindy19574, Gender : F, Age : 30, City : Lansing, State : MI Country : United States, 
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