Blacks’ perceptions of white people

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    I believe white people do have a better chance than blacks and other minorities in this country. Many whites don't even recognize race as an issue, not because they're bad people, but because they're in the majority position. Try this analogy on for size: Imagine you're running a 100-yard race against someone else. The other guy starts 70 yards up the track. Of course, even if you're twice as fast as the other guy, you'll never win the race; it's just too much of a gap to overcome. Doesn't seem very fair, doesn't it? That's how many minorities feel. The problem is that many whites actually believe that everyone's starting at the same point and that the minorities just can't keep up, thus justifying their 'superior' status.

    On discrimination: when white people claim discrimination, many of us look at the mostly white power structure that is still in place and say, 'You've gotta be kidding me!'. That being said, sometimes I believe the white guy has actually has a HARDER way to go because in a society that was created by whites for whites, the only reason to not succeed is simply because you didn't work hard enough. Every other group (blacks, Latinos, women, gays, Jews, etc) can claim discrimination and someone will listen (of course it's not always true, but many will listen regardless) but not many people will believe it from a white person, especially a man. After all, if you didn't get that job or were turned down for that loan, who was most likely the person who made the final decision? Probably a middle-aged white guy.

    That being said, I'm sure that the white guy occasionally gets screwed out of a job because some guy had the highest score among the minorities and Affirmative Action kicked in. The difference is that this happens more on an individual level as opposed to targeting an entire group. Of course, on the human level, I believe whites and minorities suffer from the same aspects of life: we cope with death, divorce, depression, worry about our kids being safe, etc., so as far as being more emotionally centered and happy, I believe that race doesn't matter; that takes place on an individual level.

    User Detail :  

    Name : JR21127, Gender : M, Race : Black/African American, Age : 32, City : Franklin, State : VA Country : United States, Occupation : Systems Analyst, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
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