Black People and Fruity Sodas

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  • #6575

    I notice that when people post a message asking 'Why do Black/Latino/women/gays/ this or that?' many of the responses come from individuals of the aforementioned group chastising the asker for generalizing or stereotyping. They then continue their response by saying, 'I am Black/Latino/female/gay/whatever and I don't do this or that.' - as though that answers the question and proves that the asker was wrong and totally mis-guided because one person from the group does not do what the asker is refering to. So, I will try to phrase my question without stereotyping. But keep in mind that I'm not asking because I saw one black person do this and assumed that it means ALL black people do it. It's just that I saw it happen one quite a few occasions, so I can only assume from my small sample that it's a common thing. If it so happens that you are black and this doesn't apply to you, it won't help me to know that. But, if you are black and this is applies to you or someone you know, I'd like to hear from you. That being said, here's the question: When I was a waitress and was serving a table of black customers, they (like all customers) would ask what drinks were on the menu. I would rattle off the list (coke, diet coke, 7-up, ice tea - the usual stuff) and many times I would be asked, 'Do you have grape soda? What about orange? strawberry?' I was asked by all races if we had pepsi instead of coke, but only the black customer asked for the fuit-flavored sodas. It wasn't ALL the black customers, but if a customer DID want a fuity soda, it was always a black customer. Why is this? Are fruity sodas popular in the black community? Do restaurants in black neighborhoods offer fruit sodas? I've seen black comedians doing bits on growing up on kool-aid - so does the fruit-soda thing have anything to do with that?

    User Detail :  

    Name : FreedaBee, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Lesbian, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 39, City : Orange County, State : CA Country : United States, Occupation : Analyst, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class, 
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