Reply To: Why does he DO that on me?


Why not ask him? I imagine some men might be of the same mind as the last respondent, i.e. that it's about power and humiliation and that sort of stuff.  This would probably be the case if he insists on doing it over your objections.  Some women probably enjoy it from this point of view, too:  they like the humiliation, being dominated, etc. But to me, it's more about feeling that the woman is into the sex and every aspect of it.  In many ways, male-female sex is about the man enjoying 'invading' his woman and the woman enjoying being 'invaded' by her man.  The application/swallowing of his semen is merely an extension of this concept:  applying it to intimate areas (like the face or breasts) or depositing it into intimate areas (vagina, mouth, anus) appeals to these same instincts.  In addition, semen is literally a living part of a man's body (in some senses, one of the most important ones, too).  Moreover, it is a part that can be freely and repeatedly given away (and, in fact, this instinct is encouraged by evolutionary forces).  To the casual observer, it also has the power to create life (babies).  It accompanies the high point of the sexual experience for the man (as in the word 'climax').  All these things tend to imbue semen with a kind of vaguely magical 'life/energy' quality in a man's subconscious mind (many societies also explicitly hold this view).  Given all this, for a woman to reject it 'cuz it's icky' seems anything from prissy to personally insulting.  (After all, how would you feel if your husband stopped giving you cunnilingus every few seconds to spit out your vaginal fluid?)  On the other hand, for her to revel in it and love sensing it in every way (texture, smell, taste, heat, the way it feels sliding down her throat, etc.) is to feel totally loved and accepted by an enthusiastic lover.  (And who wants to be with an unenthusiastic lover?)  Also, by injesting it or applying it to the skin as though it were a cream, a woman can literally make a small part of him part of herself - also an appealing idea.

User Detail :  

Name : Steve, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Atheist, Age : 29, City : San Mateo, State : CA Country : United States, Occupation : Computer Programmer, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class,