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The original question that was posed was "Why do so many people reject science when it can be proven, simply on the basis of religion?" If no amount of experimentation can ever prove a scientific theory right, why do we bother experimenting at all? It would seem that the original question is based on the false pretext that we can prove science to be correct. That helps me support my answer to the original question even further. Thank you. Please pardon the sarcasm and any extreme position I may have incorrectly lumped Einstein. I forgot that he was a religious man, focused in part on epistemology and thus would always consider what we know to be relative (if you will pardon the pun) to our current point in time and our current point of view. In addition, I forgot that Einstein was si

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Name : ChrisD, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Religion : Atheist, City : Austin, State : TX Country : United States, Occupation : Production Manager, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,