Reply To: Upper middle class ignoring lowest class relatives


Murray C.

I have relatives that are poor, and I do think they are lazy with a very low work ethic. I consider myself upper middle class. I don’t make a salary that compares to what a lawyer makes, or what Ted Turner makes, but I can afford a large house and have a comfortable living. My relatives, on the other hand, have zero interest in making any effort to better themselves or provide themselves with a comfortable living. I’m 32 with a wife, two kids, large house and a mini-van. Some of my relatives are in their 60s, on welfare, in a trailer park and no education to speak of. Where did these people go wrong? In a single word… Discipline. I believe anyone can do anything as long as they have a little self-respect and a lot of discipline. If you get a half-decent education, you can do anything. I don’t have a master’s degree or a Phd.; I have a trade. And even with a trade, you can get a very good-paying job. When you show desire and initiative, people will notice you, and then you start getting better offers. I do not lend money to my poor relatives because I know I won’t get it back. It’s not that I can’t afford to give it to them, I just believe that I’m not doing them any favors by giving handouts. If that is the lifestyle they choose, why should I be the one to bail them out? I find it amazing how people in North America take education for granted. And free education at that! Every time I watch COPS or Jerry Springer, I cannot believe how people will allow themselves to live by the lowest common denominator. I honestly believe that we should adopt China’s philosophey in that if you don’t acquire a certain level of living standard, you are required to be sterilized so that you don’t bring other children into this world. Why must our children suffer poverty because you are too lazy with no self-respect? Many of my poor relatives have called me materialistic. Am I so materialistic that I am able to afford a car that doesn’t break down every other day? Or to be able to afford a well-built house with no structural problems or with the impending doom of foreclosure? Or being able to feed my children healthy food so they are able to perform well in school so that they are able to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle? If any of my relatives are reading this (even though half of you can’t read), I mean it when I say, DIE.

User Detail :  

Name : Murray C., Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Unitarian, Age : 31, City : Halifax, Nova Scotia, State : NA, Country : Canada, Occupation : Draftsman, Education level : Technical School, Social class : Middle class,