Reply To: Do white people understand…


Africans in America need to start a national web site, so that we can find our relatives. I'm 58 and have never met my father. I was three when my parents divorced. All my life I've been aware there's another side to my family that we'll never know. Black men should never raise a gun at another black because of the way we were forcibly separated from our slave ancestors. We have relatives spread all over this Native land. White people never understand, nor should we expect them to. We don't understand, either.

Also, why are we always asking if whites understand? They don't and they won't, and they don't have to. Slavery ended 135 years ago. If you read Forced Into Glory by Lerone Bennett Jr., you'll see that it hasn't ended one damn bit. The new slavery is prison. We keep falling for the hype. Why anybody would get themselves in a prison situation is beyond me. Shackles, a 7 X 5 cell, overseers, guards, beatings, deviant behavior, no birds, no trees, no green grass, no snow, etc., seems worse than death to me. Inmates are locked into these slave quarters for eternities (some of them). Why? When you get yourself into one of these quarters, slavery's alive and kicking, and maybe God will help you. He didn't help Gary Graham. Don't do the crime, and don't do the time in the Prison Slave Quarters.

User Detail :  

Name : HG21619, Race : Black/African American, City : Norwich, State : CT Country : United States,