Reply To: Your fear of death


It's not as if people of Hindu and Buddhist faiths do not fear death. All humans, regardless of faith, will fear death when challenged by it (that's how our instincts work). What your co-worker probably implied was that Hindus and Buddhists are more willing to accept fate - i.e. 'whatever has to happen will happen' - as it stares them in the face. So face it! Hindu and Buddhist philosophies take a more holistic view of life (and death), and more so in a time and space continuum context. Broadly speaking, to Hindus and some Buddhists, life is considered a cyclical process wherein the 'soul' of a human goes through a series of evolutionary cycles through its journey on earth. By journey ON EARTH I mean that the 'soul' could be John Doe in this lifetime and Jack Doe in its next lifetime. The idea of this 'recycling' is to ultimately unite the soul with the INFINITE PRINCIPLE or THE ABSOLUTE or GOD. This union takes place only after the soul has gone through its 'cleansing process' on earth. The debt of bad deeds done by the soul in one lifetime is carried forward and repaid in its next life, while good deeds are handsomely rewarded. Think of it as a learning experience for the soul, so that when it's free of all 'bad debt' and therefore its 'earthly obligations,' it is ready to liberate itself from the earthly binds of space and time in order to unite with the absolute, or God. This is what Hindus and Buddhists refer to as 'Moksha,' or freedom, or liberation. It's a profound philosophy that cannot be easily justified by our current standards of scientific thought/logic. It requires intuitive reasoning and the ability to see the big picture. Time also is a very critical element here. The concept is difficult to explain but is better understood by reading some books on 'Karma' and general ones on Hinduism and Buddhism.

User Detail :  

Name : Zipeezy, Gender : M, Race : Asian, Age : 30, City : chicago, State : IL Country : United States, Occupation : Marketer, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper class,