Kosher Sex – This Called My Name

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  • #11270

    I was simply browsing the web earlier today, when I came across this article that I thought was interesting, so I figured Id'e share it hear and see what you people have to say. Click on the link below for the article. This article is kind of making fun of the concept of having a vulgar-free sex shop online, and as abstract as the idea was to me at first (I'm not gonna lie, I did laugh),but maybe the idea is not too bad of one after all. If religious people really use sex toys as well, and go into sex hops to pick them up, where they feel incredibly uncomfortable and out of place, kosher sex would be perfect for them. It's giving religious people a place to feel comfortable while purchasing sexual sort of items. I just thought this article was interesting, so I figured Id'e post it here for anyone else who may find this interesting.

    User Detail :  

    Name : TimRobbins, Gender : Male, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Age : 26, City : dumfries, State : UT Country : United States, Education level : Technical School, 
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