Bartending at a over-priced hotel with fountains in the lobby is different that bartending in a dirty, small ‘stomping-ground’. One isn’t better than the other, it just depends on the person. Regardless, it is hell if you do not like chatting with people. It doesn’t have to be the old ‘tell me your problems’ type of chat. But socializing, listening, talking and relating are all very important to the job. Though I was a terrible bartender, I had a friend who was a master. Her secret was that she was nosy, and always knew who was sleeping with who. But she was also bouncy, verbal, and knew restaurant work. How to bus, how to wait tables, how to cook. Because at one point or another,… a bartender does every job in the establishment. Most places I’ve seen consider the bartender sort of like the ‘Co-manager’ or ‘head-of house’. When a problem comes up and the boss isn’t around, the bartender has to fix it.