Carlton J. Cleland
Dear ‘Honey’ As a caucasian male I have absolutely no grounds to speak to you about race / discrimination etc. But, what I can explain to you is this. I am also a minority at my workplace. I am 10 years younger than any other individual performing the same duties at my place of employment. First impressions mean a lot. If you carry yourself as one who needs a little bit more training, confidence, etc. you will be treated as such. However, if you walk with your head held high, and present yourself as the young, intelligent professional that you are, you will also be treated as such. On a side note, if you choose your verbage like you choose your personal e-mail address, there is a bigger issue at hand. Can you really blame people for not taking you serious when your e-mail address is ‘’ I think there is more to this issue than what we are reading. Good luck Honey!