Reply To: Reply To: Mormon beliefs (on Earth, not Klobb)



DO NOT let these Mormons fool you into thinking their beliefs are in line with main-stream Christianity. They are not. I don’t have ample space to go over everything but let me say this. I was Mormon for 20 years and glad I’m out of that church. I am now a pastor for the Assembly of God and much happier. God IS NOT a perfected, resurrected, exalted being with a body of flesh and bones, Jesus was not and is not the brother of Lucifer, men cannot become gods, and on and on. The Book of Mormon, people places and events never existed outside the mind of Joseph Smith. DNA evidence, archeology, anthropology, and other sudies prove this beyond any shadow of doubt. Mormons are deceived and are going out deceiving. The Book of Mormon is pure fiction and the church’s other writings, the Doctrine of Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price are man-made writings that have nothing to do with the real God of the Bible. It is a false religion that preys on the foolish and luke-warm Christians. Go the the website of Utah Lighthouse Ministries ro Jerald and Sandra Tanner. They have much information that will answer many questions concerning the LDS church.

User Detail :  

Name : Robert29724, Gender : M, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 34, City : Mesa, State : AZ, Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,