David Smith
I would only date women who were well educated (BA/BS at least), intelligent and attractive. I’ve seen many black women that I find attractive (almost any girl in a Nelly video), but how do you know if they’re well educated or intelligent unless you talk to them? It seems easier to approach women from your own race than from a different race. I’ve only dated two black women, and they were both from other countries (Ivory Coast and Suriname). They also had very different worldviews than any african-american women I knew. Come to think of it, the reason I dated them was because they approached me. In any case, it seems that concerns about racial/religious identity are most prevalent among the lower rungs of the socio-economic ladder, and that the more intelligent/higher educated/better employed people would and should intermingle to a greater extent than they do. I’ve read several articles about the difference of educational achievement between black women and black men and how this trend has led to many black women being single because they don’t want to date below their social status and they don’t want to date outside of their race. But why not? If there is a surplus of well-educated black women and a shortage of successful black men, couldn’t black women look to asian or white men as substitutes? I’ve seen various explanations for why successful black women would rather be single than date outside their race, but none were very good. I just reread the question and realized that I didn’t answer most of it…as far as what is physically attractive, I think symmetry is the most important thing…curves are good, but some women of every race will confuse obese with ‘big and beautiful’. Tyra Banks is ridiculously hot, but I would take Aisha Tyler or Condi Rice over Tyra any day.