Reply To: Bad hair cuts/clothes on mentally disabled



I can sort of sympathise with anyone with mental illness who is living off the state. I have manic depression and despite living in the UK i gather that things are pretty similar money wise. I get just over 50 pounds a week benefits as i can’t work (i think around 80 dollars?). With this i have to pay for more or less everything. I’m very lucky in that i live with my parents now but on my own it was a real struggle. For a pretty standard haircut over here it’s about 8 pounds or more. That’s for a mans one. A reasonable womans cut used to cost around 20 pounds (30 dollars?) and boy, did i used to get mad at my ex for paying that 🙂 Clothes are often said to be very expensive here too. I have often paid 15 pounds just for a plain t-shirt. A pair of jeans will be around 30 pounds for non brand. So i guess lots of people on benefits just can’t afford to dress in the latest styles. I don’t think anyone want’s to look a dork but given the choice between eating and clothes then you have to make that pair of jeans last a bit longer. As an extra point a lot of the more severe people i’ve met really don’t care that much about what they wear. I found that the last things on their mind were fashion. Hope that is of some use. By the way. Site organisers, how can i pick a state when i don’t live in any 🙂

User Detail :  

Name : Gareth, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Disability : manic depression, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Atheist, Age : 28, City : Newbury, State : NY, Country : United Kingdom, Occupation : Unemployed, Education level : Technical School, Social class : Lower middle class,