Reply To: Smoke Weed but Don’t Read



I think there is a fundamental flaw to your premise that white people think of educated blacks as ‘against white ideology.’ For instance, I would never describe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as being ‘anti-white.’ Wasn’t his central message that people should be judged not by their color but by the content of their character? Secondly, there are myriad black intellectuals (men & women) who are familiar to whites and whom white people would hardly describe as antagonistic to them. The easy list would contain the many black conservatives such as Larry Elder, Star Parker, Condeleezza Rice, Deroy Murdock, Armstrong Williams, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, J.C. Watts and others. I fear the bigger problem might be that prominent voices in the ‘black community’ like Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Al Sharpton and others would call into question the ‘blackness’ of the aforementioned people and therefore some might feel they should not be cited as educated blacks to whom whites might relate. Thus the question becomes: are whites threatened by educated blacks or educated blacks they feel are hostile to their interests? So, my question to you is: how do you use your education? I suppose if you espouse the notion that everything bad that happens to a black person is caused by racism and the white power structure, then most whites (unless they are ultra-liberal and guilt-ridden) are going to be turned off by your message. What you might perceive as whites’ fear may just be boredom with a tired and pedestrian ‘talk show’ approach to sophisticated social issues. Whatever your answer to my question, you deserve to be honored for being educated regardless of your race. Whether or not one agrees with your opinions (and I of course have no idea what they are and make no assumptions), one should always respect you and your education. I would encourage you to engage in forthright dialogue and attempt to have it be free of historic mistrusts and accusations. Good luck to you. I, for one, don’t feel threatened.

User Detail :  

Name : Matt22029, Gender : M, Race : White/Caucasian, City : Irvine, State : CA, Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College,