Reply To: What Race?


Justin Adkins

Well, as an Italian, I believe in my opinion it depends on a few factors. First off, I believe almost everyone of Italian ancestry from Rome or north of it would almost definitely be considered white. As for those from South of Rome, I believe that some would be considered white, because I have noticed from living in an Italian neighborhood for my life, that there are strains of blonde/fair hair and blue eyes in the Southern Italians, but also some Italians from that part that have rather kinky hair, dark skin, etc. So I guess it would be up to the person to decide whether he/she thinks that they are White or Other. As for official purposes, I believe the government/agencies recognize Italians as whites, but I could be incorrect on this one.

User Detail :  

Name : Justin Adkins, Gender : M, Race : Southern Italian, Religion : Catholic, Age : 17, City : Brooklyn, State : NY, Country : United States, Occupation : High School Senior, Social class : Lower class,