Reply To: The color of ethnicity



I agree, I would much rather be called ‘European-American’ (or simply ‘European’) than ‘white’. ‘White’ says nothing about me, my culture, my religion, my language, or my values. ‘European’ says it all. ‘Caucasian’ refers to people of the Caucasus mountain range in present-day ex-Soviet Georgia. I’ve never been there and as far as I know I have no Caucasian/Georgian blood. Most ‘white’ Americans do not strongly identify with Europe and it is their loss; they have no heritage or history before the 1700s as a result. I do not begrudge the black man his right and privilege to be Afrocentric; I do not begrudge the Asian man his Asianness. I respect these cultures and expect mine to be respected in turn.

User Detail :  

Name : Augustine23602, Gender : M, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Catholic, Age : 39, City : Columbia, State : SC, Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,