We both get discriminated against. Men and women have gender roles, and if either sex breaks out of that, they are going to have to put up with flak. Women probably do get actively discriminated against more, because men are still too scared to break free of gender roles. Women may complain that they are viewed as weak, but men are willing to give them a lot for that reason. Men are strong, so no one has to help us. The rise of feminism has also been a horrible occurrence for young men. While people are actively trying to change the way women behave to free them from sexual stereotypes, no has helped me. Male qualities are just assumed to be better now, so the only problem is giving women what men have. There is no need to give men what women have. This has resulted is several real world problems: 1) men are less likely to go to college, 2) men have fewer schorlarships avaliable to them, 3) men are less likely to go to graduate school, 4) men have much lower academic standings in high school despite still achieving higher scores on standarized tests, 5) despite the fact that men do worse in grade schools, people are worried that women are not getting an equal education because boys shout out answers, 6) it is a widespread belief that women mature faster then men – despite the fact that men and women start puberty at about the same time and that it is just that men undergo no visible changes first, and that no study has ever been done on the maturity level of men and women in puberty, and 7) men are still not trusted with childern and are often seen as sexual predators if they show an interest in being with young kids.