I do not object to sex change operations at all. I just don’t understand how we can have sex change operations but not race change operations. Everyone doesn’t like their race, either. As for changing my race, I’d like to change my skin color and make my nose a little thinner. If people don’t percieve me as black, they won’t treat me like one. I won’t experience any more bigotry, and I won’t have to deal with the ridicule from other blacks telling me that I am ‘acting white.’ Plus I’ve always liked white culture more. I don’t like rap music, urban clothes, soul food and other things pertaining to black culture. Even as a child, I refused to play with black dolls. I would only play with white dolls. I also preferred to play with white children more than black children. I’ve always felt as if I should have been born white. There should be procedures available to change your race.