Reply To: Upper middle class ignoring lowest class relatives



I have poor relatives. Material poverty does not come from being lazy or immature alone. Mostly it comes from lack of education, both formal or life/social. I don’t believe work ethic alone will get you ahead; it will make you a living (sometimes barely) but not a lifestyle. The recipe is Work+Save+Invest (in that order) sprinkled with God (goodness and spirituality) all over. Work is not only working hard, it’s preparing your mind to be the best at a productive field in accordance with your talents. Saving is not only stashing money away, it’s not incurring expenses in early life (like having kids before having a complete productive education). Investing is not playing the Lotto or consulting psychics, it’s studying the economy and learning how to get a return from what you saved, which came from your work. God (goodness) is the most important factor.

Be happy and content with what you have but strive for more without doing harm to others, and enjoy the MAKING of monetary success. This recipe is my help to my (money) poor side of the family. Lending them money is not helpìng them, it creates the leeching that you mention (I lend only for investments and medical reasons). If you give a person a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him HOW to fish, you feed him for life.

User Detail :  

Name : Nelson-A20192, Gender : M, Race : race=white, ethnicity=latin, Age : 31, City : Caracas, State : NA, Country : Venezuela, Occupation : lawyer/business, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,