Reply To: What Race?



Italians are by law white. Though my parents are from Cuba, which makes me a latino, i am in fact often mistaken for a supposebly white Italian, Spanish, Arab or Greek…If you look at my parents who are both mixed race, which doesn’t ,make me white. What im trying to say (out of experience also) is there sometimes is such a fine line between race and this can confuse people. If someone can mistake me for a southern european, and someone of Italian descent is mistaken for a latino does that make them a different race? i find this actually pretty confusing… Here’s an interesting article i found on a web site… ‘For some time now, the notion has prevailed, first among whites and then among blacks, that Italians somehow have black ancestry. In recent years this notion has been reinforced in such films as Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing and Jungle Fever, and Quentin Tarantino’s True Romance. Lee makes the claim in both of the above-mentioned films, but never bothers to qualify his assertion with historical evidence. Tarantino does qualify his assertion but with false evidence. He claims that the Moors are responsible for the injection of sub-Saharan African blood into Italy, particularly Sicily. Others believe Hannibal and his Punic War armies to be the culprits. However, the Moors and Phoenicians were not black. They were Hamito-Semitic peoples, meaning that they probably began as Semites originating in the Arabian Peninsula and then absorbed physically similar Hamites, or Berbers, during their conquest of North Africa, prior to entering Europe. When confronted with this fact, typically black proponents will claim that those two groups, by virtue of their link to North Africa, probably acquired significant amounts of black ancestry during their stays. However, while that’s certainly conceivable, there’s scant historical evidence to support it.’

User Detail :  

Name : Diego, Race : Hispanic/Latino (may be any race), City : Chicargo, State : NA, Country : United States,