Tracy, thank you for responding to my question honestly. I think it is that kind of honesty that we all need to hear. Even though I am not the type of white woman you described, it’s important for me to know that some black women have had that experience with white women so that I can be sure to be even truer. Your experiences are valid and have led you to your own conclusions about white women. I hope that you soon experience a different kind of white woman in your life who can break through the stereotypes. I too have experienced women to be fake, two-faced and plastic. Those types of women are extremely painful to be around. I am sorry that these are the only white women you have come into contact with. I will not condemn you for being honest. We must be honest when discussing racism. Too often we are all afriad to offend or fear we will be attacked, but how can we move forward until we play out loud the tapes full of stereotypes and lies that play in our heads? We have all been lied to by the dominant paradigm that would lead us to believe we cannot join together. That we cannot connect because we are too different. I would also add that as women of any color we have not been taught to fully embrace each other. We compete for jobs and men and are often intimidated or jealous of each other instead of supportive and embracing. I know that I have judged women unfairly, when in the end it was about me, not them.