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i could be wrong. please correct me about the stereotyping of color, i.e. white is ‘better’ than black, and, among blacks lighter is ‘better’ than darker. could that be due to history? that we live in a civilization that started, and still greatly influenced by whites? someone mentioned earlier that about a thousand year ago the dark haired italians of today used to have an empire that looked down to the ‘whiter’ people of todays scandinavia. i would add that during the pharoahs civilization the lighter people of the middle east were looked upon as ‘inferior’. one, a black pharoah form today’s nuba region is sudan, extended his rule to today’s syria, and brought ‘lighter’ slaves. most of the world civilizations started among ‘lighter’ people. sub-sahara africa, southern india and south southeastern asia have, mostly, been reciever of others’ civilizations. so, my point is, in today’s dominent white civilization, why can’t there be negative stereotype (not necessarily racism)on the part of whites toward ‘less white and dark’ people? and why can’t there be feeling of less knowledge, advance and civility (not inferiority)on the part of the others? Please notice that i believe a person can still be proud of himself, his color, but feels he/she has less knowlege and is less advanced than others, and that he/she would like to be like those others.

User Detail :  

Name : henry21497, Gender : M, Age : 50, City : washington, State : DC, Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,